Page 23 - Plastics News Issue December 2024
P. 23


          Summary report of INC-5 held at Busan, Korea from 25 November – 1

          December 2024, attended by AIPMA Environment cell & GCPRS Chairman
          Mr. Hiten Bheda and Co-chairman Mr. Hareh Samghvi

                                                                     5th Session of the

                                                                     Negotiating Committee to
                                                                     Develop an International

                                                                     Legally Binding Instrument

                                                                     on Plastic Pollution,
                                                                     Including in the Marine
                                                                     Environment (INC-5):

                   VER 3300 delegates and government            5.2) adopted resolution  5/14 in 2022 to end
                   delegations had assembled in Busan,          plastic pollution. This resolution established the
          OSouth Korea for INC 5 the 5th Session                Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC)
          of the Inter-Governmental Negotiating Commit-         to develop an international legally binding instru-
          tee for the Global Plastic Treaty which began on      ment on plastic pollution, including in the marine
          25 Nov 2024 and the plenary session ended at          environment. The INC scheduled five meetings
          about 3.15amon Dec 2 2024.                            between November 2022 and November 2024,
                                                                with the hope that the Committee would com-
          “INC-5 has not yet reached the summit of our          plete its work by the end of 2024. Ultimately,
          efforts.” Despite long hours of difficult negotia-    however, the INC was unable to reach agree-
          tions, delegates to the fifth session of the Inter-   ment by the end of its fifth session (INC-5). In
          governmental Negotiating Committee were un-           the early hours of Monday morning, many hours
          able to reach agreement on a new treaty to end        after the scheduled end of INC-5, delegates
          plastic pollution.                                    agreed to suspend the session and reconvene
                                                                in 2025.
          Driven by public concern about plastic pollution
          and an expanding body of scientific evidence of       They also agreed to base future discussions
          the resulting harm to human health and the envi-      on a Chair’s Text, issued on Sunday, 1 Decem-
          ronment, the resumed session of the fifth meet-       ber 2024. This text was a culmination of efforts
          ing  of the  UN Environment  Assembly  (UNEA-         to revise an initial non-paper, circulated by INC

              December 2024                                                                  PLASTICS NEWS  23
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