Page 25 - Plastics News Issue December 2024
P. 25


          This text contains some positive elements, in-        Furthermore, the document prohibits open
          cluding a strengthened focus on human health          dumping and burning of plastic waste—practic-
          and the lifecycle of plastics. It provides clear def-  es that contribute significantly to environmental
          initions for key terms such as plastic, plastic pol-  degradation and public health hazards.
          lution, and plastic waste, offering a foundation
          for consistent interpretation and implementa-         From India all the MEA, MOEFCC and DCPC team
          tion. Additionally, the inclusion of annexes listing   were very receptive and heard us excellently.
          banned products and chemicals is a significant        Also, their untiring discussion with like-minded
          step toward coordinated global action.                country teams helped gain support in the INC-5.

          Provisions addressing single-use and short-lived      Sectoral  focus  is  another  strength  of  the  text.
          plastics, with prescribed phase-out timelines,        It addresses emissions from fishing gear, plastic
          demonstrate a commitment to reducing the              pellets, and microplastics from all sources, rec-
          most harmful types of plastic pollution. The text     ognising their role as major contributors to ma-
          also emphasises transparency, mandating the           rine pollution.
          reporting of statistical data and making publicly
          available a list of exemptions granted to Parties     India Government Representatives did good
          and Regional Economic                                 work and that was echoed by the support re-
                                                                ceived  from  many countries.  India  has  shown
                                                                their strength and like-minded country support.

                                                                At INC 5.2 there is hope that all the countries
                                                                can work out solutions to plastic pollution for a
                                                                better planet.

              December 2024                                                                  PLASTICS NEWS  25
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