Page 26 - Plastics News Issue December 2024
P. 26
Himachal Pradesh Partners with Ambuja Cements
to Tackle Non-Recyclable Plastic Waste
imachal Pradesh, a state renowned for its Units, but the state’s growing plastic consump-
natural beauty and ecological richness, is tion demands innovative disposal methods like
Htaking significant strides toward environ- co-processing.
mental sustainability. In a groundbreaking col-
laboration, the Rural Development Department Co-processing not only ensures the safe dispos-
of Himachal Pradesh has signed a Memorandum al of non-recyclable plastics but also significantly
of Understanding (MoU) with Ambuja Cements reduces their environmental footprint. Alongside
Ltd. to tackle the growing menace of non-recy- recycling, which focuses on reusing materials,
clable plastic waste. This initiative underscores co-processing offers a complementary strategy
the importance of innovative solutions and pub- for managing plastic waste sustainably.
lic-private partnerships in addressing one of the The Director of the Rural Development Depart-
state’s pressing environmental challenges.
ment emphasized the significance of this part-
Under the terms of the MoU, Ambuja Cements nership, stating, “This collaboration with Ambuja
will employ advanced co-processing technology Cements is a meaningful step toward sustain-
to dispose of non-recyclable plastic waste in its able waste management. It ensures that non-re-
cement kilns. This method not only safely dis- cyclable plastic waste is disposed of responsibly,
poses of plastic waste but also transforms it into contributing to a cleaner and greener Himachal
energy during cement production. The process Pradesh.”
helps reduce reliance on traditional fossil fuels, A spokesperson from Ambuja Cements echoed
offering a dual benefit of waste elimination and this sentiment, affirming the company’s dedica-
resource conservation.
tion to sustainability. “We are proud to support
The non-recyclable plastic waste from 29 Plas- Himachal Pradesh in achieving its waste man-
tic Waste Management Units across districts agement goals. This initiative reflects our com-
such as Shimla, Kangra, Chamba, and Solan will mitment to fostering sustainable development,”
now be sent to Ambuja Cement’s facilities for they said.
processing. This initiative marks a critical step in This partnership sets an inspiring example of
reducing the volume of waste that would other- how public-private collaborations can effectively
wise accumulate in landfills or pollute the envi- tackle environmental challenges. As Himachal
Pradesh leads the way in addressing plastic
Non-recyclable plastics pose a severe threat to waste, this initiative showcases the transforma-
the environment due to their resistance to deg- tive potential of innovation and cooperation in
radation. Improper disposal leads to soil and wa- preserving India’s ecological balance.
ter contamination, endangering biodiversity and Source :- The News Himachal
public health. Himachal Pradesh has been pro-
active in setting up Plastic Waste Management
26 PLASTICS NEWS December 2024