Page 30 - Plastics News Issue December 2024
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to expand the annual volume of plastic waste temperature, returns to the combustion reac-
processed via pyrolysis from 10,000 tons to tor along with the residual waste. The residual
900,000 tons by 2030. waste is incinerated, generating heat to reheat
the catalyst. The reheated catalyst is then recir-
Currently, the kiln method is used in the Repub- culated back to the pyrolysis reactor, maintain-
lic of Korea for the pyrolysis of waste plastics. ing a continuous process of heat transfer and
This process involves placing waste plastics pyrolysis.
inside a cylindrical chamber, applying heat ex-
ternally, and condensing the resulting vapor to By utilizing this process, a continuous opera-
produce pyrolysis oil. While the process design tion is achievable as the cycle of raw material
is relatively simple, it faces scalability limitations, input, heat supply, and residual waste treatment
as heat transfer from the exterior to the center is seamlessly maintained. Additionally, since the
of the cylinder becomes increasingly difficult as catalyst moves freely within the reactor, heat
the size of the chamber increases. can be effectively transferred from the center to
the edges of the reactor, enabling scalability and
The kiln method can process only up to 20 tons the development of larger systems.
of plastic per day, which falls far short of the
900,000 tons per year target set by the gov- The research team conducted pyrolysis experi-
ernment for pyrolysis processing. Additionally, ments on waste plastics using their process,
the kiln method requires continuous external handling up to 100 kilograms per day. They con-
heat supply and cannot operate continuously, as firmed that the process can pyrolyze not only
the process must be paused to handle residual plastics but also solid recovered fuel (SRF) made
waste before restarting. These limitations make from household waste. When SRF was pro-
it inefficient for large-scale applications. cessed, the yield was approximately 37%, which
is 1.2 times higher than conventional methods.
The research team developed a technology to Additionally, the produced pyrolysis oil showed
recycle waste plastics using a circulating fluid- a significant improvement in quality, with a 45%
ized bed (CFB) process, overcoming the limita- content of light fractions, nearly doubling the
tions of conventional methods. The CFB process quality compared to existing processes.
is a technology in which heat carriers, such as
high-temperature sand, circulate to enable con- Dr. Byungwook Hwang, the lead researcher,
tinuous heat transfer during reactions. For the stated, "The most significant achievement of
first time globally, the team successfully applied this study is the design and development of a
the CFB process to the pyrolysis of waste plas- technology capable of continuously processing
tics, enabling both continuous operation and waste, including plastic waste, through pyroly-
scalability—key challenges of existing processes. sis. This core pyrolysis technology is highly suit-
able for achieving Korea's waste plastic pyroly-
The core of the developed process lies in heat sis targets, as it enables the processing of large
circulation. In this system, catalyst particles heat- volumes of waste plastics while producing high-
ed in the combustion reactor are circulated to quality pyrolysis oil."
the pyrolysis reactor, where they transfer heat
to facilitate the pyrolysis of waste plastics. After Source: -
transferring heat, the catalyst, now at a lower
30 PLASTICS NEWS December 2024