Page 38 - Plastics News Issue December 2024
P. 38


                                                                cess gives off toxic gases that pollutes the air,
                                                                and constant production of toxic gases, and bad
                                                                greenhouse gases perpetuates the greenhouse

                                                                Technological Innovations in Plastic Recycling

                                                                Out  of  all  the  technological  solutions  that  are
                                                                effective to use in relation to the plastic waste
                                                                issue,  the  best  opportunity  is  indicated  to  be
                                                                recycling. Chemical recycling has been on the
                                                                ascendancy as technology is advancing to de-
          solution the imminent issue of plastic wastes.        velop the recycling of plastics into useful feeds.
          Mechanical  recycling  means  collection  of  used
          plastics, cleaning them, cutting them into small      1. Chemical Recycling
          pieces and then using them in manufacturing
          new products. However, this process is limited        Whereas  mechanical recycling involves turning
          because it is found in practice that the plastic      used plastic into new products, chemical recy-
          objects decrease in quality each time they are        cling involves breaking the plastics back into
          recycled.That is why most plastic materials are       their molecular chain and then use them to cre-
          recycled several times in cycles before they at-      ate new plastics or products. This process in-
          tain their useless state.                             volves the treatment of the plastics by solving
                                                                them into their monomers then polymerizing to

          Secondly, there are many plastic products avail-      other plastics. Chemical recycling seems to have
          able in the market and none of them can be re-        a better ability as compared to mechanical recy-
          cycled for reuse. Plastic types and it chemical       cling in handling a larger number of plastic prod-
          characteristics and many of them are unable           ucts.
          to pass through conventional recyclability. This
          lead to plastics entering the recyclable stream,      Some of the companies have thus developed
          further crowding out plastics recycling as a pro-     special procedures in chemical recycling. One of
          cess.                                                 them is pyrolysis where through the use of high
                                                                heat in the absence heir the plastic is converted

          Other major ways through which the manage-            to oil and gas. These byproducts can then be
          ment  of  plastics  is  done  include  landfilling  and   embodied, used as feedstocks for newer plastics
          incineration and while doing this; they have their    or even as a source of fuel. Another technique
          own problem. As for now it is seen that plastic       involves some sort of enzymatic degradation
          wastes are being filled up in the landfills and as    which they cleave the plastic into its monomers.
          this material stays in the landfill, it leaches out   These biotechnological approaches have prov-
          injurious chemicals into the ground water. Whilst     en viable especially for the degradation of poly-
          incineration transforms waste to a small vol-         ethylene terephthalate (PET) plastics, which are
          ume that occupies less space, and in the pro-         characteristic of bottles.

             38   PLASTICS NEWS                                                                December 2024
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