Page 39 - Plastics News Issue December 2024
P. 39


          2. Plastic-to-Fuel Technologies                       are those that t decompose in the environment
                                                                faster than the petroleum based ordinary plas-
          Another example of solution which is used all         tics. Bioplastics can be of two types: one type of
          around the world is known as the plastic to fuel      bioplastic is made from renewable material such
          technology:  essentially,  it  means  that  people    as corn starch or sugarcane that makes up the
          take plastic waste and turn it into fuel. It turns    raw material, one type of bioplastic is designed
          out that pyrolysis, and other methods are used        to degrade when exposed to light, heat or mois-
          to crack plastics into liquid or gaseous fuels that   ture.
          can be used in energy generation. This technol-
          ogy minimizes the amount of plastic waste while       Biodegradable plastic for example Polylactic
          at the same time generates fuel energy that           Acid (PLA) is produced from fermented plants
          competes with fossil energy. Plastic-to-fuel tech-    sugars.  PLA is biodegradable  and  could break
          nologies are still in their relatively early stages of   down in home composting hence a better op-
          commercialization but these process show po-          tion than other single use plastics such as pack-
          tential for efficient waste reduction and energy      aging and cutleries. Many other biodegradable
          production.                                           plastics  such as polyhydroxyalkanoates  (PHA)
                                                                are synthesized by microorganisms and can be
          3. Biological Recycling                               decomposed by bacteria in the soil or in water
          Biological recycling is being seen as a new inno-
          vation in which enzymes or microorganisms are         Nonetheless, biodegradable plastics are not
          used to break down plastic material.                  free from difficulties. Although they biodegrade
                                                                faster than normal plastics, they need to be in
          Some bacterial and fungal species can reduce          an environment conducive so as to fully decom-
          plastic material to easy digestible compounds
          since they are naturally endowed with that ap-        pose. In some of these environments such as a
                                                                landfill, they may not degrade as planned. How-
          titude.  Scientists  are  now striving  to optimize
          these processes for practical use involving large     ever, biodegradable plastics production at for
                                                                instance Industrial scale may come with other
          number of data sets. As it stands, microbial re-
          cycling may be a new green approach towards           negative effects such as changes in the land use
                                                                for raising crops such as corn or sugarcane.
          dealing with plastics since the microbes devel-
          oped will only break down plastics like polyeth-      Plastic Alternatives and Innovations in Mate-
          ylene and polystyrene.                                rial Design

          Biodegradable Plastics: A Potential Solution          Along with the development of advanced forms
                                                                of recycling and biodegradable plastics, a large
          However, the most important task of maximizing
          the effectiveness of the process of recycling re-     share of research aims at the utilization of sub-
          mains the solution of the problem of the increase     stitute for plastics in different applications. Such
          in the amount of recycled products through the        options are paper, glass, and metals; new in-
          use of materials that can be degraded  by the         ventions such as plant-based plastic, and food
          environment. Apparently, biodegradable plastics       wrapping that is edible.

              December 2024                                                                  PLASTICS NEWS  39
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