Page 40 - Plastics News Issue December 2024
P. 40
1. Edible Packaging of production on plastics and recycling, ensure
industries change costly fashionable uses. Poli-
An emerging approach in the current society is cies most likely to spur change include; the re-
the use of edible packing. Also known as food striction on the use of single-use plastics, charg-
cellophane, edible packaging materials are made es that are levied on plastic bags, and extended
using edible products such as seaweed, rice or producer responsibility that makes manufactur-
starch, which also allows the packaging mate- ers take back their products for recycling.
rial to be eaten together with the product it has
enclosed. This technology can be particularly Another important aspect of minimizing plastic
applied to food packaging where shed load of waste is therefore the public health and aware-
plastics is used in the food industry. Businesses ness. When given information about the sub-
have gone as far as creating food packaging that ject, individuals and societies can actively avoid
is consumable packaging that would dissolve or or decrease the amount, they use by practicing
can actually be food for consumption as such no this concept of recycling, avoiding single-use
more plastic. plastics, and supporting the use of environmen-
tally friendly products.
2. Plant-Based Plastics
Plant-based plastics is the other option it can
be harvested from crops like corn, sugarcane or Plastic waste crisis is huge problem, but tech-
even algae. These materials are most often more nological solutions are offering a possibility for
environmentally friendly than plastics derived future change. In methods such as chemical and
from petroleum for both manufacturing and re- biological recycling, biodegradable plastics, and
cycling. Plastic derived from plants is biodegrad- other more effective materials, we can less the
able and can be recycled through composting, harm of plastic waste. But, the advancement
which make it better for use in disposables. Nev- made in technologies, to a large extent, will not
ertheless, some difficulties are still concerning be sufficient to accomplish the task.
the increase of the production of plant-based
plastics and their usage with recommencement Instead, the interventions are urgent as they will
of food competition. require fundamental changes in policy reforms
and enhancing awareness among the public.
The Role of Policy and Public Awareness When added together, we can make both pri-
mary work and secondary work to effectively
In this regard whilst technological solutions are eliminate the problem of plastic waste on our
important raw materials, solutions to plastic planet.
waste crisis must include policy intervention and
enhancing public awareness. It also provides pol- Source – Plastics Technology
icies that government can set higher standards
40 PLASTICS NEWS December 2024