Page 14 - Plastics News February 2017
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Aipma at work Raja M. Shah
“TheCAownagrdraWtiunlnaintgioEnxhsi!bitors” M.E.
Chairman, Awards Committee-PVI 2017.
“Exhibition Excellence Awards” were presented to NATIONAL EXHIBITORS INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITORS
the Exhibitors for Showcasing their activities in their Staubli Tec System India Pvt. Ltd. Hanyang Robotics Co.,Ltd.
respective Stalls / Booths during 10th Plastivision India Percian Gulf
2017 in Mumbai. Mudrika Labels Pvt. Ltd.
Covestro (India Pvt Ltd.)
The Criteria for consideration of Awards: Mamata Machinery Pvt. Ltd.
Udyogi Safety Appliances Pvt. Ltd.
Awards Committee as well 10 Jury visited Exhibitors and Innovizion Machineries and Allied
finalized Awards based on: Products (India) LLP.
1. Category of Exhibitors, SPEICAL AWARDS:
2. Various parameters of show case, GMS Plastic Machinery Pvt. Ltd. Recycling Process for wastage of EPS /
XPS light weight Plastics.
3. “Special Category Awards” to Exhibitors having
achievements like Process to Increase Productivity, EcoCentric Management Pvt. Ltd. Environment friendly - E-wastage
Environmental Friendly Process, Patented Design and Reprocessing.
Systems. / Smartech Global Controls wastage, Improving productivity.
Solutions Ltd.
Winners at A Glance:- Hall-wise, a group of Jury visited Each Exhibitor giving
Credit Rating, rather a great task to cover in 03 days,
NATIONAL EXHIBITORS INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITORS spreaded over area of 90,000 sq.mtrs. I thank sincerely to
Progressive Surface Systems Pvt. Ltd. Amut Spa all JURY and my Committee Members for their excellent
Arburg GMBH/Unimark Croma support all around.
Shri ram handles / shriram industries Holland Colours Europe BV
Paras Plastic Industries Moretto Spa Italy Computation completed overnight by 19th, 20th&
Rupal Plastics Pvt. Ltd. Nhuthuy Group 21stJanuary 2017.
Noble Sonics Pvt. Ltd. RsoEntsorgungs-und Beratungs GHBM
Prince Poly Paints Rtc Tec Baglano Elemanan Madikal 1 No. of Exhibitors (evaluated) 1395
Makine Me 2 Number of Jury 10+1
Spencer And Spencer Electroplating Dae Han Electric Co.,Ltd. 3 Number of Awards 41
Ferro Machinery Manufacturers Pvt. Ltd. Jiangsu Victor Machinery Co., Ltd. 4 Memento Presentation at Winners Stalls. 23rdJanuary 2017
Veja Industries China Chemical Machinery
International Co., Ltd. A Beautiful Memento engraved with Winner Exhibitor’s
TC Machine Pvt. Ltd. Dongguan EKG Industrial Co., Ltd. Name presented to Winners at their respective stallson
Excel Heaters Polye Materials Co.Ltd. 23rdJanuary 2017.
Mouldcraft Industries Chongqing BishanJiecheng Plastic
Co., Ltd. Wishing “Good Luck” to all Exhibitors of PVI 2019.
Sudhakar Irrigation Systems Pvt. Ltd. Wuxi Senyo Plastic Machinery Co., Ltd.
Delta India Electronics Pvt. Ltd. Jiaxing Yuantong Precision Machinery
Co., Ltd.
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