Page 16 - Plastics News February 2017
P. 16
Aipma at work
Report on Plastivision 2017 Mr. Harshad Desai, Chairman – Seminar & Conference
AIPMA welcomed participants and introduced speaker on
Seminar during Plastivision 2017 were scheduled as dais who called upon to present.
technical sessions of 1- 2 hrs every day which was
more technology oriented and beneficial to the audiences Speakers were internationally recognised and renowned,
participated. Mr. Sascha Graaef, MD, MPDV Asia Pte Ltd and Ms. Jessica
Xu, Director Assistant of Intl sales from Labthink both were
19th January - Day One equally knowledgeable and experts in their respective
Mr. Harshad Desai, Chairman – Seminar & Conference
AIPMA welcomed participants and introduced speaker on 21st January- Day Three
dais who called upon to present.
What innovations have taken place in last few years in
Technical session on Conductivity in Plastics without losing blow moulding technology were introduced and shared
strength & colour took place from 3.30 – 4.30 p.m by Mr. by speaker Mr. Levi Li, MD, Meper at 10.30- 11.30 a.m.
Mohan Dabral, MD, OCSiAL Group. The session was well This session have seen good participations from industry,
received by audiences, approximately 50- 60 delegates approximately 50 delegates have attended the same and
raised question with regards to technology and businesses.
attended the
session. There were Then another session took place at 2.30 p.m by Moretto
few questions from India, the topic was on “Moisture Meter for On-line
audience which Moisture Measurement of Plastics Material” by Mr. Amit
was answered by sawant, sales Director of Moretto followed by another
speakers solving technical session on “Improving Profitability Through Good
their concerns Manufacturing Practices in Plastics Processing” at 3.30-
and helping 4.30 p.m. Both sessions were attended by approximately
those providing 40 delegates from plastics industry.
opportunities in
their respective
Another session soon
started at 4.30 by
Prof. Joe Hartman,
Dean, College of
Engineering, Umass
Lowell who introduced course on Plastics Engineering
offered by their campus. The session was mostly attended
by students and others who were interested to know
opportunities and future in Plastics Engineering. Both
sessions went off well and seen good participation.
20th January – Day Two
Society of Plastic Engineers had organized two sessions
along with Plastivision and AIPMA, over 40-50 participants
had attended. Sessions was on finding and fixing the black
hole in manufacturing processes and focus on quality
inspection and improvement.
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