Page 19 - Plastics News February 2017
P. 19

Aipma at work

Seminar on Budget Impact Analysis

A Seminar to understand the Financial on Budget Impact              plans and many more to make our country Happy Country.
Analysis Was ere held on 8th February, 2017 at Hotel
Tunga International, Mumbai. The Seminar started at                 Another speakers CA Hiral Raja and CA Samarth Gokani
3.00 pm welcoming distinguish speakers and delegates                presented Indirect tax which was focusing on GST and as
from Industry. Mr. Harshad Desai, Chairman – Seminar                they added there are not much amendments taken place
                                                                    in this area except with the focus in making One Nation
                                     & Conference AIPMA along       One Tax.
                                     with other office bearers
                                     welcomed participants, AIPMA   He shared his view on why GST is seen as India’s most
                                     Office Bearers and Managing    comprehensive tax reform and why it will change face of
                                     Committee. They proceeded      our country. Shared perspective on new tax reform- Model
                                     further to light the lamp and  GST law and application of GST worldwide. The progress
                                     inaugurated the Seminar.       so far with respect to new law has gone really far step by
                                                                    step and following consensus has been reached:
                                     Over 55-60 participants
                                     attended, including the        •	 4-tier rate structure- 5%, 12%, 18% and 28%
                                     Managing Committee Members           (peak rate- to apply to luxury and demerit goods)
and the Office Bearers of AIPMA. The Seminar kicked off
with the master of ceremony Mr. Harshad Desai introducing           •	 50% of products in the CPI basket, including food
and calling upon the speakers CA. Mehul Shah, CA. Hiral                   grains, has been kept at “zero-rated”
Raja, CA. Samarth Gokani on the dais. Mr. Kishore Sampat
further welcomed all the guest by giving WELCOME                    •	 Items of mass consumption will be taxed under 5%
ADDRESS.                                                                  tax rate

The First speaker were introduced by Mr. Harshad Desai              •	 Tobacco, Luxury products and sin items subjected to
and then proceeded further with his presentation on                       Cess for compensating the States for 5 years
“Direct Tax Amendments”.
                                                                    He also emphasized on
He presented many elements from 2017 Finance bill Pluses            Roadmap Ahead and
and Expectation gaps, budget at glance, Income tax rates,           GST will roll out may
what is the imapct of amendment in slabs and amendments             be by third quarter
appicable to corporate and generally.                               if everything goes
                                                                    as planned. He also
He also mentioned how budget use to take place in past              added that IT would
                                          and what are the changes  be as backbone in
                                          have been implemented     implementing GST.
                                          currently in presenting
                                          budget. He added          Open Forum
                                          that our budget never
                                          shown enough courage      The forum was open for Q & A round which saw some
                                          to give much freebies,    intellectually industry specific questions raised by
                                          no increase in limit of   audience which were aptly answered by speakers.
                                          taxation, no vindictive
                                          approach on amendments    Vote of thanks and presenting memento to speakers
                                          except very very few,
                                          multiple laws and not     Vote of thanks was then given by Mr. Hiten Bheda from
                                          enough developmental      AIPMA thanking all relevant people from the industry and
                                                                    the seminar fraternity as well.

                                                                    Our Managing Committee giving memento as token of
                                                                    appreciation to speakers.

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