Page 17 - Plastics News February 2017
P. 17
Aipma at work
22nd January- Day Four
Mr. Harshad Desai, Chairman – Seminar & Conference
AIPMA welcomed participants and introduced speaker on
dais who called upon to present.
GST, the most burning topic or subject for any industry
were scheduled from 11.00 a.m -2.00 p.m presented by
speaker CA Rajiv Luthia. He helped participants with the
latest development that took place in GST amendments
and what would be the impact on plastics industry.
This objective to hold this seminar during Plastivision was
that the plastics industry will be coming on one platform
as exhibitors and visitors and hence we thought that this
could be good opportunities to bring their concerns in front
and solve them. The aim of this seminar was to understand
the new GST law and developments.
After the session, the speakers were honoured by some
of our managing committee and few office bearers with
the bouquet of flowers.
Then post lunch, another session on 3D Printing Technology
by speaker Mr. Sagar Deshmukh, ZPRO Solutions took
place at 4.00 -500 p.m, the session attracted more than
60 participants. Here we have seen very enthusiastic
participants who wanted to understand the opportunities
in 3D printing and its applications in different industries.
Mr. Sagar Deshmukh gave a very simple and knowledgeable
presentation who touched upon on various aspects
of this technology
and made very
informative and
interactive for the
Since it was the
last day of seminar,
chairman- Seminar
& Conference,
AIPMA- Mr. Harshad
Desai gave vote
of thanks and
concluded the
seminars with a
great note.
17 F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 7 | Plastics News