Page 34 - Plastics News February 2017
P. 34
“We Are With you” Indian Government Backs Plastics Industry
If the multitude of balloons of all hues released during and exhibitors. Kailash B. Murarka, the man and his team
the inaugural ceremony of PLASTIVISION INDIA 2017 who tirelessly logged in hundreds of hours to make this
at Goregaon on Thursday morning signified rainbow of show a grand success said that it was a dream to make the
success, then the 10th edition of PLASTIVISION INDIA sho of an international standard. “It is an earnest attempt
has arrived at the world stage. “We are with you” as on the part of the organizers
the laconic, yet firm statement by Ananat G. Geete, to make plastivision India
Minister of Heavy industries and Public Enterprises who 2017 a world-class event.
inaugurated the exhibition. Anant G. Geete who had And we are getting better,”.
planned to fly to Mumbai from New Delhi directly on Said Kailash B. Murarka. Ming
Thursday took a detour to Goregaon in order to show his Yang said he was delighted
support. He has had earlier indicated that with code of to be associated with the
conduct, he needed to be economic with his words. And show as were the scores of
yet, with “We are with you” statement, the verterans of exhibitors from china. He
the plastics industry and international guests standing added that the two countries
next to him and the hundreds in the audience could not complemented each other in the plastics industry. Amit
but help be reassured. Kumar Ghosh, on the other hand, focused on the steps
that Uttar Pradesh had taken to attract the best of the
The inaugural got off to an emotional start with the plastics industry. He said that the U.P. government had
National Anthem and a traditional diya being lighted. strengthened the connectivity and the infrastructure that
Haren Sanghavi said by all indications, the PLASTIVISION was needed for the plastics industry.
INDIA 2017 was set to be a grand show for both, visitors
AIPMA to fight Plastics Ban Organized by the All INDIA plastics manufacture
association(AIPMA) the even served as both - a platform
Plastics is the much more than the ubiquitous plastics for discussing opportunities , challenge and road ahead
bag handed out to by your friendly neighborhood for plastics as well as an image strengthening and if
groce , and it is absolutely essential , ‘ was the massage you like, damage control exercise for the sector that
send out loud and clear by the all India plastic association has lately seen slew of government bans on grounds of
conclave , 2017 that unfiled on the sidelines of the ongoing environmental damage.
10th PLASTIVSION INDIA 2017 at hotel Westin on Saturday
January 21,2017 Kicking off the conclave was Arvind Mehta, chairman
Governing council AIPMA declared that day 2 of they
exhibition had seen as many as 35000 to 40,000 visitors .
Kamal P. Nanavaty special advisor board PLASTVSION INDIA
2017 made a presentation highlighting how macroeconomic
and other indicators were aligned so as to put plastic on
high growth trajectory . Manoj Kumar Mandal head CIPET
emphasized that with a little more help from AIPMA and
the fraternity a lot more could be done in terms a lot more
could be done terms of the current shortage of skilled
labour that the sector was facing PLASTIVSION INDIA 2019
in Delhi will be co-organized Department of the chemical
and the petrochemicals or CIPET (central institute of
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