Page 36 - Plastics News February 2017
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plastic engineering & technology), it has been agreed perception of plastics through nationwide promotion and
on in principle and we are working on the modalities programmes along with participation in initiatives such as
‘announced the guest of honor Avinash Joshi, I . A .S joint the recent Versova clean-up that earned recognition from
secretary, department of chemical and petrochemicals UNEP as champion of the earth.
minatory of chemical & fertilizer Government of India
informing the discerning audience about measures already Putting forth the essence of the conclave Akhilesh Bhargava
initiated by the centre in the past pew month, he urged chairman environment committee AIPMA said it is very easy
them to invest a lost more time efforts and money in to say ban plastics but it is practically not possible given
combating the negative perception about plastics. the fact the plastic permeates our day-to-day existence.
Hence it is very important that AIPMA plays a catalysts role
Haren Sanghavi, President, AIPMA spoke of the ban in in building a sustainable ecosystem for post- consumer
Karnataka Delhi and UP, and while packaging waste by a sustainable ecosystem we mean a
the National Green Tribunals system where plastics waste as value and dose not get
judgment was seen as having an littered and end up in recycled into the system. on one
adverse impact on the plastics side we are educating people about the various positives
industry he informed that AIPMA of plastics on the other we are doing everything we can
was leaving no stone unturned to provide sustainable solution in cases where plastics is
towards changing the public likely to leave a carbon footprint.
SWCNTs for conductivity in Plastics
Day one of the 10th PLASTIVISION INDIA 2017 saw Ravi Dabral said Tuball from OCSiAI is first mass- produced
an interesting talk on, ‘Conductivity in Plastics’ by SWCNT with 90 per cent global production industrial
Ravi Dabral from OCSiAI Worldwide, the acronym OCSiAI applications of Tuball include lithium-ion batteries,
translate into Oxygen, Carbon, Silcon and Aluminium – polymer composites, TCF and elastomers Expalining
four elements most used by mankind, said Ravi Darbral. why CNT for thermoplastics, he said antistatic additives
are used in floors, mats, linoleum, textile carpets, floor
In his presentation titled, ‘Redefining Materials, finishes and coatings, clothing; gloves and finger cots;
Reinventing Technologies’, he spoke of Single Wall Carbon packaging; wires and cables etc. Ravi Darbal said SWCNT’s
Nano Tubes (SWCNTs) and their properties such as being additive can impart elctircal conductivity in plastics.
five times lighter than copper, 100 times stronger than High aspect ratio results in electrical conductivity at
steel, having thermal stability up to 10000 C, highest lower loadings than for conventional additives like carbon
length to diameter ratio up to 1 million times and surface black, carbon fiber or metallic fibre. Tuball’s unique
area such that 1 million times and surface area such that characteristics enable conductive plastics’ production with
1g is equal to 2 baskeball courts. Comparing SWCNTs ultra-low perocolation threshold. Tuball SWCNT enables
with other materials in terms of dosage level required ultra – low loading staring at 0.1 to 0.2 per cent; allows
for change, Ravi Dabral said 20 to 40 percent of carbon for production of conductive parts that retain colours;
black equals 15 ton 35 per cent metal fillers equals 3 to ensures permanent and uniform electrical conductivity
12 per cent carbon fibers equals 1 to 6 per cent MWCNT without hot spots; maintains or improves mechanical
equals just 0.001 to 0.03 per cent of SWCNT. Speaking of strength; all without significance increase in viscosity of
dispersion in matrix, SWCNTs from their own conductive 3D the host material. Tuball incorporation method include
network at ultra-low concentrations network at ultra-low solution mixing, melt mixing and in situ polymerization.
concentrations SWCNTs are also the first universal additive Hybrid system of carbon black and SWCNTs are used cable
with applications in plastics, paint ,concrete, glass, applications.
sensors and semiconductos, rubber materials and so on.
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