Page 37 - Plastics News February 2017
P. 37
Ravi Dabral concluded his presentation, taking the Lastly, moulding parameters play critical role for final
audience once again through the main points . Firstly, properties of the part.
Tuball can be incorporated into thermoplastic through
the melt mix approach secondly. Conductive networks About OCSiAL, Ravi Dabral said the company focuses on
can be created in various polymer matrices at ultra- lo Tuball production testing support, production and sales
Tuball dosage without compromising properties. Thirdly, as well as testing and purchase. It delivers technology to
thermoplastic polymers can be coloured keeping antistatic partners and creates local manufacturing centers.
properties. Fourthly, hybrid Tuball carbon black systems
can be applied for achieving conductive compounds.
Not Possible to Ban Plastics The Alternatives Could Harm More
“It is not possible to ban plastics nor is it in the interest is an integral part in conservation and the protection of
of the public. What is the alternate ? cut more trees the environment, the added.
? any alternate could harm and degrade the environment
even more “,says Rajani Ranjan Rashmi, I.A.S, Special Setting the theme of the conference, Prof. (Dr)N .C Saha
director, Indian institute of packaging (IIP) said that IIP
Secretary, Ministry was set to become a deemed university and the bell had
of Environment, been set rolling . With IIP on the parts of deemed university
Forest and status. by 2018, the institute would also 0ffering B.Tech in
Climate Change packaging technology management. Describing packaging
and Government as a combination of art science and technology. Prof. (Dr)
of India as he N. C. said that plastics is the biggest component of growth
recollected in the packaging industry. plastics packaging is growing at
his interaction 20% rate and paper at 10%.
with the former
environment The polymer industry according to Prof . (Dr) N .C. Saha is
minister, Jairam also poised for huge capacity expansion in the availability
Ramesh. He was of commodity raw materials like polyethylene and
speaking at the polypropylene with never players entering the industry
conference on , packaging has become a big consumer of the plastics
‘the plastics in industry . Organized retail and fast growing online
packaging ‘ held on Saturday ‘ 21 January 2017 at Hotel e-commerce business has also provided a new outlet for
the Leela. This one-day conference by the Indian Institute a new business applications using plastics based packaging
of packaging was held in conjunction with the ongoing structures according Prof, (Dr) N. C. Saha.
At the conference the Asian packaging Federation (APF)
Rajani Rajan Rashmi said that packaging should consider also lunched online courses for certified Asian packaging
two aspect as it grows rapidly, economic sustainability, and processionals (CAPP) Dharmatilake of APF said a saris
social expectations and norms. He said plastics waste can of educational modules would enable students to learn
be converted to wealth by using appropriate technology packaging in detail through the online courses.
and means. Emphasizing on the environmental aspects,
Rajni Rajan Rashmi conveyed that consumers could be A. N. Jha, Executive Director, Indian oil corporation ltd.
incentivized for recycling efforts and fees can be levied explained about the process to get the materials used by
on buyers to create recycling facilities . He said the plastic the packaging industry. He said that would enable the
industry should be supported for the creating the right plastics and the packaging industry to strengthen the
environmental strategy. Packaging in the plastics industry make in India campaign.
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