Page 46 - Plastics News February 2017
P. 46


Impact on Companies:                                          –	 These would enable purchasers to get more spacious
                                                                    homes and affordable housing segment will be more
–	 Tax benefit under 80IA will not be available for the             lucrative for the developers
      sector and also accelerated depreciation benefit will
      be reduced for the renewable power projects with        –	 These would provide tax relief to developers in the
      effect from April 1, 2017 at 40% as announced in the          residential sector holding inventory
      budget of 2016-17.
                                                              –	 This might lead to increase in demand since this may
Impact on the Industry:                                             increase the secondary sales as well

–	Overall neutral.                                            ROADS

–	 Present opportunity for players in the transmission,       Proposals:
      off-grid/decentralised power segment.
                                                              –	 Increase in budgetary allocation from R57,976 crore
–	 Solar parks would continue to attract interest of                during the last budget to R64,900 crore for 2017-18 is
      developers, including international players.                  expected to provide further opportunity for the road
–	Overall neutral since most of the solar modules are
      imported.                                               –	 Proposal to enhance coastal connectivity through road
                                                                    construction of 2,000 km
                                                              –	 A mechanism to streamline institutional arrangements
Proposals:                                                          for resolution of disputes in infrastructure projects
                                                                    is going to be introduced as an amendment to the
–	 Infrastructure status to affordable housing                      Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996

–	 Under the scheme for profit-linked income tax              –	 Extending carry forward of Minimum Alternative Tax
      deduction for promotion of affordable housing,                (MAT) from current limit of up to 10 years to a limit
      carpet area instead of built-up area of 30 and 60             up to 15 years
      square meters will be counted. The 30 square meters
      limit will apply only in case of municipal limits of 4  Impact on Companies:
      metropolitan cities while for the rest of the country
      including in the peripheral areas of metros, limit of   –	 The proposed increase in budgetary allocation and
      60 square meters will apply                                   various reforms initiated by the government to
                                                                    resurrect private participation is expected to have
–	 Capital gains on Joint Development Agreement to be               a positive impact on the companies operating in this
      taxed only at product completion                              sector in the medium term.

–	 1 year tax exemption from notional rental income           Impact on the Industry:
      from unsold inventory
                                                              –	 Increased budgetary allocation is expected to boost
–	 Reduction of long-term capital gains tax period from             the sector and increase award and execution of new
      3 years to 2 years                                            projects

Impact on Companies:                                          –	 The new projects are expected to offer investment
                                                                    opportunity of around R24,000 crore for the sector
on Overall, companies with focus on affordable housing
development will have a positive impact                       –	 Effective introduction of stated mechanism and
                                                                    its implementation thereof in 2017-18 can help in
Impact on the Industry:                                             addressing the hurdles faced by the sector

–	 This would increase the private participation in this      –	 Expected to provide tax benefits to SPVs of road
      segment and also lending to this segment will be a            projects for a longer period while improving the
      priority lending for banks. This will allow developers        project returns.
      to access funds at lower rates

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