Page 45 - Plastics News February 2017
P. 45


      from R5,000 crore in the previous budget.               – 	 Construction and development of coastal roads of
                                                                    around 2000 kms.
– 	 Increase in allocation to Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana-
      Gramin (PMAY-G) increased to R23,000 crore with a       – 	 Allocation to the Sagarmala Project increased from
      view to complete one crore houses by 2019 for the             R450 crore to R600 crore
      houseless and those living in kutcha houses.
                                                              Impact on Companies:
– 	 Affordable housing given infrastructure status.
                                                              –	 Improvement in ports infrastructure will result into
– 	 Under the Scheme for profit-linked income tax                   improvement in turnaround time for ships arriving
      deduction for promotion of affordable housing,                at the Indian ports. Furthermore, focus on coastal
      carpet area instead of built up area of 30 and 60             roads and transportation infrastructure will result
      square meters will be counted. The 30 square meters           into faster movement of cargo at ports, which will
      limit will apply only in case of municipal limits of 4        augment improvement of cargo handling capacity
      metropolitan cities while for the rest of the country         at ports. This is expected to improve operational
      including the peripheral areas of metros, limit of 60         performance of companies operating in port sector.
      square meters will apply.
                                                              Impact on the Industry:
Impact on Companies:
                                                              –	 This is likely to ease the bottlenecks in the
–	 The finance minister’s proposals to boost investments            transportation sector which is likely to result in
      in irrigation and provide safe drinking water, via            increased movement of cargo from the ports
      various schemes like PMKSY, NRDWP and Micro
      Irrigation Fund will create demand for plastic pipes    –	 Under the budget allocation for highway sector,
      and other irrigation systems. Affordable housing              the government has identified construction and
      and increased allocation to PMAY-G may see higher             development of around 2000 kms of coastal roads. The
      demand for steel pipes in structural applications             increased focus especially on the coastal roads will
                                                                    facilitate better connectivity of ports to the nearby
Impact on the Industry:                                             areas

–	 With government of India focusing on agricultural          –	 Increased allocation to the Sagarmala project would
      productivity, increasing the area of cultivated land          further benefit in upgrading the ports infrastructure.
      under irrigation is of vital importance and these
      initiatives will improve the long term demand for       POWER
      plastic pipes.
–	 Also, the focus is to provide piped water supply to
      open-defecation free villages will also boost demand    – 	 No change in the MAT rates. Also, there is no extension
      for pipes.                                                    of tax benefits under Sec 80IA applicable for projects
                                                                    commissioned on or after April 1, 2017. However,
–	 Higher impetus to affordable housing could see an                extension of MAT credit is now allowed to be carried
      increase in interest from the private sector. As such,        forward up to a period of 15 years instead of present
      pipes and tubes with application in water supply and          applicable 10 years.
      sanitation could see better growth in short to medium
      term.                                                   – 	 Commitment for 100% village electrification by May
                                                                    2018 and providing solar power (1000 MW) to 7000
PORTS                                                               railway stations.

Proposals:                                                    – 	 Second phase of 20,000 MW of solar power park
                                                                    development is to be taken up.
–	 Transportation sector (including Rail, Road and
      Shipping) to R2,41,387 crore an increase of about       – 	 Reduction in various duties for solar tempered glass
      12% as compared to the previous year.                         and parts/RMs used in the manufacture of solar
                                                                    tempered glass for use in solar PV cells/modules,
                                                                    solar power generating equipment or systems, etc.

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