Page 44 - Plastics News February 2017
P. 44


Impact on the Industry:                                        OIL & GAS

–	 This move is targeted to double the farmer’s income         Proposals:
      in the next five years. This shall augur well for the
      fertilizer sector. Fertilizer demand would get a fillip  –	 Reduction in the basic customs duty on import of LNG
      on account of easier farm credit availability and it           (Liquefied Natural Gas) from existing 5% to 2.5%
      shall also promote farmers to use more complex and
      organic fertilizers.                                     –	 Creation of an integrated public sector ‘oil major’
                                                                     which will be able to match the performance of
– 	 This move is targeted towards improving the soil                 international and domestic private sector oil and gas
      fertility and productivity and balance usage of                companies
      nutrients resulting in increased usage of complex
      fertilizers to suit the specific soil needs rather than  –	 Setting up of Strategic Crude Oil Reserves
      excess use of low cost urea. Fertilizer companies
      will also co-market city compost which increases the     Impact on Companies:
      efficacy of chemical fertilizer.
                                                               –	 In view of the deficit domestic gas production, the
METALS & MINING                                                      decrease in the duty is likely to benefit petrochemical
                                                                     industry and consequently, it is expected to increase
Proposals:                                                           demand for imported LNG.

–	 Decline in the customs duty of HR coils used for            Impact on the Industry:
      manufacturing of welded tubes & pipes
                                                               –	 In view of the deficit domestic gas production, the
–	 Decline in the custom duty on nickel                              decrease in the duty is likely to benefit petrochemical
                                                                     industry wherein LNG is used as a feed stock
–	 Export duty on ‘Other aluminium ores, including
      laterite’ has been revised from nil to 15%               –	 The integrated ‘oil major’ will likely have strong
                                                                     bargaining power and will be the likes of one of the
Impact on Companies:                                                 bigger oil companies globally

–	 While reduction in custom duty on nickel is a positive      –	 Highly beneficial for companies based out of energy-
      for the stainless steel producers, overall impact              starved country like India. Especially during the higher
      on the steel industry remains neutral. The rise in             crude oil prices
      the export duty on aluminium ore would ensure its
      domestic availability for higher aluminium production    PIPES

Impact on the Industry:                                        Proposals:

–	 This is likely to marginally increase the imports of        – 	 The Long-Term Irrigation Fund already set up in
      specific categories of HR coils. A very few select             NABARD to be augmented by 100% to take the total
      manufacturers who produce these coils may face                 corpus of this Fund to R40,000 crore.
      increase competition from imports.
                                                               – 	 Dedicated Micro Irrigation Fund in NABARD to achieve
– 	 As nickel (required for stainless steel production)              ‘per drop more crop’ with an initial corpus of R5,000
      is mainly imported, it is expected that the raw                crore.
      material cost is likely to get reduced. This is likely
      to benefit the highly cost competitive stainless steel   – 	 Allocation to Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana
      manufacturing industry, which faces significant                (PMKSY) increased to R7,377 crore from R5,767 crore
      imports threat.                                                in previous budget.

– 	 Marginally Positive for the Aluminium Producers            – 	 Safe drinking water to over 28,000 arsenic and fluoride
                                                                     affected habitations in the next four years under the
                                                                     National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP).
                                                                     Allocation to NRDWP has increased to R6,050 crore

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