Page 20 - Plastics News February 2025
P. 20


         Back to Plastic! Trump Takes Aim

         at Biden’s Paper Straw Policy

            n yet another move igniting cultural and en-        also expressed frustration over their durability,
            vironmental  debates,  U.S.  President  Donald      claiming they fall apart while drinking and create
          ITrump has pledged to reverse the Biden ad-           a mess, particularly for those wearing ties.
          ministration’s push for eco-friendly paper straws.
          In a recent social media post on Truth Social,        To emphasize his stance, Trump’s campaign
          Trump criticized the policy and announced his         even sold plastic straws emblazoned with the
          plan to sign an executive order restoring plastic     slogan, “Liberal paper straws don’t work.” This
          straws.                                               marketing tactic resonated with his supporters,
                                                                further embedding the issue into the broader
          “I will be signing an Executive Order next week       culture  wars  between  conservatives  and  pro-
          ending the ridiculous Biden push for paper            gressives.
          straws, which don’t work. BACK TO PLASTIC!”
          Trump declared. His statement signals a reversal      The Implications of Trump’s Executive Order
          of the environmental policies introduced under        Trump’s executive order is expected to be met
          Joe Biden’s administration.                           with strong approval from his base, while Dem-
                                                                ocratic lawmakers and environmental groups
          The  Biden administration  had outlined  a  plan
          to phase out single-use plastic items, including      will likely challenge it. Environmental advocates
          straws and utensils, from government facilities       argue that plastic pollution remains a pressing
          by 2035. This initiative aimed to curb plastic pol-   global concern, and rolling back sustainability ef-
          lution and encourage sustainability. Environmen-      forts could have long-term consequences.
          tal activists have long supported such measures,      As the debate over plastic and paper straws con-
          citing the harmful effects of plastic waste on ma-    tinues, Trump’s latest move highlights the ongo-
          rine life and ecosystems. However, critics argue      ing political divide over environmental policies,
          that  paper straws  are  impractical  and ineffec-    with sustainability efforts caught in the crossfire
          tive, often dissolving quickly and proving incon-     of partisan agendas.
          venient for users.
                                                                                            Source:- Financial Express
          Trump’s Long-Standing Opposition to Paper

          Trump’s disdain for paper straws is well-docu-
          mented. Throughout his political career, he has
          frequently mocked them in speeches. During a
          2020 rally, he sarcastically questioned their ef-
          ficiency, saying, “Has anyone tried those paper
          straws?  They  are  not  working  too  good.”  He

             20   PLASTICS NEWS                                                                  February 2025
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