Page 22 - Plastics News February 2025
P. 22
Malaysia Imposes Provisional Anti-
dumping Duties on PET Imports
♦ Jiangsu Xingye Plastic,
China – 11.74%
♦ Jiangyin Xingtai New
Material, China – 11.74%
♦ Other Chinese exporters –
♦ All Indonesian producers/
exporters – 37.44%
Despite these tariffs, industry in-
siders suggest that the impact
on China’s PET exports will be
n a significant move to safeguard its domes- minimal, as Malaysia is not a pri-
tic industry, Malaysia has imposed provisional mary market for these products. However, the
Iantidumping duties (ADDs) on polyethylene steep tariff on Indonesian PET exports could sig-
terephthalate (PET) imports from China and In- nificantly affect trade between the two nations.
donesia. Effective from 7 January, the Ministry
of Investment, Trade, and Industry (MITI) an- The duties are set for a period of no more than
nounced that these measures aim to prevent 120 days, with a final determination expected
further injury to local manufacturers. by 6 May 2025. Malaysia initiated its investiga-
tion into PET imports from these countries on 9
The duties range from 6.33% to 37.44%, with August 2024, following concerns over dumping
Chinese exporters such as Jiangsu Hailun Petro- practices that threatened local manufacturers.
chemical, Far Eastern Industries (Shanghai), and
Jiangsu Xingye Plastic facing levies between This decision aligns with Malaysia’s broader
6.33% and 11.74%. Meanwhile, all PET imports strategy to regulate trade practices and foster a
from Indonesia will be subjected to a significant- competitive industrial landscape. The final ruling
ly higher ADD rate of 37.44%. will determine whether these provisional meas-
ures become permanent, potentially reshaping
A breakdown of the imposed duties reveals the PET trade dynamics in the region.
Source: The Hindu
♦ Far Eastern Industries (Shanghai), China –
♦ Jiangsu Hailun Petrochemical, China – 11.74%
22 PLASTICS NEWS February 2025