Page 23 - Plastics News February 2025
P. 23


          Sidel’s Lightweight rPET Bottles

          Revolutionize Sustainable

                                                                sumer expectations,” he explains. The StarLite-R
                                                                Still achieves this by requiring 20% lower blow-
                                                                ing pressure, cutting CO  emissions by 51 metric
                                                                tons annually compared to standard PET bottles.

                                                                The design seamlessly integrates into existing
                                                                production lines, making it an easy transition for
                                                                companies looking to adopt rPET. It supports
                                                                bottles as light as 7 grams for 500 mL and offers
                                                                compatibility with various shapes—round, squar-
                idel has unveiled StarLite-R Still, an inno-    ish, and rectangular. Moreover, it enables single-
                vative bottle base engineered  for 100%         serve production rates of up to 2,700 bottles
          Srecycled PET (rPET) integration, deliver-            per hour and multi-serve rates of up to 2,400
          ing  sustainability,  cost  savings,  and  production   bottles per hour.
          efficiency. Designed for still beverages—includ-
          ing water, juice, milk, and edible oil—the StarLite-  By switching from virgin PET to 100% rPET, man-
          R Still accommodates bottle sizes from 0.25 to        ufacturers can reduce their carbon footprint by
          2.5 liters while reducing material usage and en-      2,400 metric tons of CO  annually for 270 million
          ergy consumption.                                     bottles.  The StarLite-R  Still is compatible  with
                                                                Sidel’s EvoBLOW, Universal, and Series 2 blow
          With Sidel’s patented lightweighting technol-         molders, marking a significant step toward sus-
          ogy, manufacturers can achieve high-speed pro-        tainable beverage packaging
          duction while minimizing environmental impact.
          According  to  Mikael  Derrien,  Sidel’s  Manager     Sidel’s patented technology ensures 100% rPET
          of Packaging Innovations, the demand for light-       integration,
          weight yet aesthetic bottle designs is increasing.    lightweighting, and high-speed production
          “Manufacturers  seek  cost-effective  solutions
          that align with regulatory requirements and con-                                    Source:- Plastics Today

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