Page 25 - Plastics News February 2025
P. 25


          Why Aren’t Plastic Flowers Banned? Bombay

          High Court Questions the Centre

            n a recent hearing, the Bombay High Court           The HC has directed the Centre to submit a de-
            raised concerns over the exclusion of plas-         tailed response within two weeks, while also in-
          Itic flowers from the list of banned single-use       structing the GFCI to file a rejoinder. The discus-
          plastic items. The court questioned the Centre’s      sion gains significance as the court had, in July
          stance on whether these artificial flowers, which     last year, observed that there seemed to be no
          are widely used for decoration, are truly recycla-    legal barriers preventing a ban on plastic flow-
          ble and biodegradable.                                ers, particularly those with a thickness of less
                                                                than 100 microns. In light of this, both the Centre
          A division bench comprising Chief Justice Alok        and the state government were previously or-
          Aradhe and Justice Bharati Dangre posed criti-        dered to submit affidavits regarding the feasibil-
          cal questions to the Centre, highlighting the po-     ity of such a prohibition.
          tential environmental hazards posed by plastic
          flowers. The judges specifically asked whether        The issue of banning plastic flowers ties into the
          these synthetic flowers, often made from low-         broader conversation about India’s plastic waste
          quality plastic, could be effectively recycled or if   management policies. While the government has
          they contributed to plastic pollution.                taken stringent steps to eliminate various forms
                                                                of single-use plastics, the continued circulation
          The matter was brought to the court’s attention       of artificial flowers raises questions about the ef-
          by the Growers' Flower Council of India (GFCI),       fectiveness of these regulations.
          which filed a petition urging the Centre to impose
          a ban on plastic flowers. The petition argued that    As  the  legal  debate  unfolds,  environmentalists
          plastic flowers not only threaten the livelihood of   and stakeholders in the floral industry await a
          natural flower growers but also contribute to en-     decisive verdict that could influence future plas-
          vironmental degradation. In response, the court       tic regulations in the country.
          reviewed the Centre’s notification on single-use                                      Source: Times of India
          plastics, which states that items that are non-
          recyclable or non-biodegradable fall under the
          category of banned materials. This led the court
          to question the rationale behind excluding plas-
          tic flowers from the ban.

              February 2025                                                                  PLASTICS NEWS  25
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