Page 49 - Plastics News February 2025
P. 49


          PCR procurement shifts

          as needed volumes grow


                                                                As a result, recycled resin is becoming more
                                                                commodity-like, especially in A-grade LDPE film
                                                                and also, to some degree, for HDPE. However,
                                                                “polypropylene is still all over the place” in terms
                                                                of consistent color and quality, Hano said.

                                                                In the past, PCR was largely purchased on a spot
                                                                basis and was closely tied to virgin resin pricing.
                                                                Durable goods such as carpet fiber were the pri-
                                                                mary applications and didn’t require high-quali-
                 CR procurement has changed over the            ty material, so RPET was used as a cost-saving
                 years, though exactly how is difficult to      measure.
          Pput into words due to the nuances in-
          volved in getting post-consumer material into         But as focus shifted toward using PCR in pack-
          new products, said  Crystal  Bayliss, director  of    aging, quality requirements increased, which has
          strategy and engagement at the U.S. Plastics          helped drive an increase in longer term contracts
          Pact.                                                 to secure supply, Bayliss said. “We’re starting to
                                                                see those shifts happen, not all the way there to
          “But it’s really the nuances that are driving         justify the investment that’s needed to be able
          changes in the buying behavior,” she said. Bay-       to get to where PCR content goals are, but we
          liss will present “Reimagining PCR Procurement:       are definitely headed in that direction,” she said.
          Building Industry Capacity and Exploring Alter-
          native Strategies” at the 2025 Plastics Recycling     Moving forward, brands that need higher-quali-
          Conference, March 24-26 in National Harbor,           ty grades of PCR will have to make longer term
          Maryland.                                             contracts and commitments, Bayliss added.

          At packaging giant Berry Global, dominant play-       “I think that as brands understand  that their
          ers in PCR supply are beginning to emerge along       packaging has to get recycled to prove respon-
          with consistent quality, said Doug Hano, vice         sible end markets for the emerging EPR legisla-
          president of sustainable resin purchasing. After      tion, they’re going to realize that they’ve got to
          years of buying PCR, “we’ve got enough history        incentivize the investment to collect and recycle
          to compare and contrast quality levels, we can        their packaging, and the only way to do that is
          do more of a bidding sort of process, so that         longer term contracts, with the types of con-
          we can swap out one (supplier) for another,” he       tracting  methods that incentivize  investment,”

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