Page 25 - Plastics News Issue - January 2025
P. 25


          or plastic bottles or in fountain dispensers with     of activists, professionals, and consumers mate-
          reusable packaging by 2030.                           rialized immediately after Coca-Cola announced
                                                                its updated sustainable packaging goals.
          The new goal for refillable packaging is fuzzier.
          The company says it plans to keep investing in        The day after  Coca-Cola’s  announcement,
          refillable packaging in markets where infrastruc-     #BreakFreeFromPlastic (BFFP) issued a press
          ture already exists but hasn’t cited quantifiable     release  with  a blistering  statement  from BFFP
          targets.                                              global coordinator Von Hernandez: “Coke's
                                                                latest move is a masterclass in greenwashing,
          Coca-Cola’s recycling/collection approach has         ditching previously announced reuse targets,
          changed, as well. In its 2021 World Without           and choosing to flood the planet with more plas-
          Waste  Report,  the  company’s  collection  goal      tic they can't even collect and recycle effective-
          was to “collect and recycle a bottle or can for       ly. This only reinforces the company’s reputation
          each one we sell by 2030.” Now the company is         as the World’s Top Plastic polluter.”
          aiming for a 70% to 75% collection rate for the
          bottles and cans it puts into the market each         Ocean-conservation group Oceana, in its own
          year.                                                 press release, delivered a similar reaction. “Co-
                                                                ca-Cola’s decision to double down on single-
          In terms of packaging recyclability, Coca-Cola’s      use plastic — by killing its goals to reduce vir-
          previous goal was to make 100% of its packag-         gin plastic and to increase reusable packaging
          ing recyclable globally by 2025. With the new         — is short-sighted, irresponsible, and worthy of
          year dawning, the clock is running out on that        widespread condemnation by its customers, its
          one. However, the company says more than              employees, its investors, and governments wor-
          95% of its primary packaging is designed to be        ried about the impact of plastics on our oceans
          recycled, and that it’s working to make the re-       and health,” said Matt Littlejohn, Oceana senior
          mainder recyclable.                                   vice president of strategic initiatives.

          Consumers fire back.                                                                Source – Plastics Today

          Backlash from environmentalists within the ranks

              January 2025                                                                   PLASTICS NEWS  25
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