Page 28 - Plastics News Issue - January 2025
P. 28


          suring they are optimized for production while        Lastly,  Accumold’s  capabilities  extend  to  auto-
          meeting functional requirements. This collabora-      mated assembly. For many customers, the abil-
          tive approach reduces the risk of costly rede-        ity to integrate micro-molded parts into larger
          signs or tooling modifications later in the pro-      assemblies is a key consideration. Accumold’s
          cess.                                                 expertise in micro assembly minimizes handling
                                                                and ensures that tolerances are maintained
          The importance of micro tooling cannot be             throughout the process. This end-to-end capa-
          overstated. Tooling is the foundation of micro        bility not only streamlines production but also
          molding, and achieving micron-level tolerances        reduces the risk of errors or damage to delicate
          requires a level of expertise that only a select      components.
          few possess. Accumold has invested heavily in
          its in-house micro tooling capabilities, with state-  MEETING THE CHALLENGE OF SCALABILITY
          of-the-art equipment and a team of experienced
          toolmakers who routinely deliver tools capable        One of the most significant challenges in micro
          of producing the  most  complex  and precise          molding is scaling production to meet the needs
          components.                                           of  high-volume  applications.  While  many  com-
                                                                panies can produce small quantities of precision
          In addition to tooling and molding, Accumold has      parts, scaling to millions or even billions of units
          embraced emerging technologies like micro ad-         without compromising quality is a completely
          ditive manufacturing (micro AM). This technol-        different challenge. This is where Accumold’s in-
          ogy complements traditional micro molding by          frastructure and operational expertise come into
          enabling the production of complex geometries         play.
          that are difficult or impossible to achieve with
          conventional  methods. Furthermore,  micro  AM        Accumold’s manufacturing facility is designed to
          can be used to create direct rapid soft tooling       handle large-scale production, with dedicated
          (DRST),  which  significantly  reduces  lead  times   cells for high-volume molding and assembly. The
          and costs for prototype and small-volume pro-         company’s investment in automation and ad-
          duction runs with certain thermoplastcis. By of-      vanced process controls ensures that it can de-
          fering both traditional and additive manufactur-      liver consistent quality across large production
          ing capabilities, Accumold provides customers         runs. For customers in industries like telecom-
          with a level of flexibility that is rare in the industry.  munications or medical devices, where demand
                                                                for micro components can extend over years,
          Validation and quality assurance are equally          Accumold’s ability to scale production is a criti-
          critical in micro molding, as even the smallest       cal advantage.
          deviations from design intent can render a part
          unusable. Accumold employs advanced metrol-           In addition to physical capacity, scalability also
          ogy techniques to measure and verify every            requires  financial  stability.  Customers  need  to
          component, both during production and as part         know that their supplier has the resources to
          of final inspection. This ensures that parts meet     sustain production through economic downturns
          the stringent requirements of industries where        or other disruptions. Accumold’s decades of ex-
          failure is not an option, such as medical devices     perience and proven track record provide reas-
          or high-performance electronics.                      surance that the company can meet long-term

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