Page 26 - Plastics News Issue - January 2025
P. 26
Success of the cutting-
edge solution
usky TechnologiesTM, a pioneering ♦ Streamlined material handling to increase
technology provider enabling the deliv- productivity and improve safety using
Hery of essential needs to the global com- 5-tonne Automated Guided Vehicles to de-
munity, has been awarded the 2024 FEDIL In- liver pallets directly to milling centers.
novation Award in the Process category for its
groundbreaking Plate Line Automation project. ♦ Fully automated tool loading and unloading
The FEDIL Innovation Awards recognize pro- for deep-hole drilling, minimizing human in-
jects that stand out for their innovative, original tervention and increasing precision.
character, and are relevant to the Luxembourg ♦ Higher accuracy and faster production times
economy. through the adoption of digital twin technol-
ogy and tool analysis software enabling real-
“We are honored to receive this year’s FEDIL In- time simulation and quality control.
novation Award in the Process category,” said
Laurent Huberty, Husky’s Manufacturing Tech- “This holistic approach demonstrates Husky’s
nology Team Manager, Hot Runners. “This award commitment to leveraging the full potential
is a testament to the innovation and dedication of Industry 4.0, advancing automation to new
of our team to drive operational excellence. Our heights,” said Rinas Mohammed, Husky’s Direc-
Plate Line Automation project is just the begin- tor of Global Operations, Industrialized Tooling,
ning, and we’re excited to expand the success EMEA. “This project is a perfect example of how
of this cutting-edge solution to our global net- Husky is combining advanced robotics and digi-
work of facilities.” tal technology to streamline processes. By auto-
mating critical tasks, Husky has reduced produc-
Husky’s Plate Line Automation project is an In- tion times, enhanced precision, improved safety,
dustry 4.0 initiative that was designed to en- and freed operators from repetitive, manual
hance operational efficiency, product quality, tasks.
and employee productivity by integrating ad-
vanced robotics and cutting-edge software into Source: smart_molding
the manufacturing process. The project incorpo-
rates three key technologies into a single auto-
mated system to achieve:
26 PLASTICS NEWS January 2025