Page 29 - Plastics News Issue - January 2025
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          commitments. Its  financial  robustness, coupled      term. In this sense, Accumold’s financial stabil-
          with its operational scale, positions Accumold as     ity and operational resilience are key differen-
          a trusted partner for high-volume applications.       tiators. The company’s longevity in the industry,
                                                                combined with its consistent growth, provides
          SUSTAINABILITY: MORE THAN ENVIRONMEN-                 customers with confidence that it will remain a
          TAL AWARENESS                                         reliable partner for years to come. This is par-
                                                                ticularly important for companies developing
          When discussing sustainability in the context of
          micro molding, it is important to consider both       products with long lifecycles, where continuity
          environmental and financial dimensions. Accu-         of supply is essential.
          mold has demonstrated a commitment to en-             Accumold’s approach to sustainability is also
          vironmental responsibility by minimizing waste,       reflected in its relationships with customers.
          optimizing material usage, and investing in en-       The company views its role as more than just a
          ergy-efficient technologies. These practices not      supplier — it sees itself as a partner in product
          only reduce the ecological footprint of its opera-    development. By fostering long-term collabora-
          tions but also align with the growing demand for      tions and maintaining open lines of communica-
          sustainable manufacturing solutions.                  tion, Accumold ensures that it can adapt to the
                                                                evolving needs of its customers while delivering
          However, sustainability also refers to a compa-
          ny’s ability to sustain its operations over the long   consistent results.
                                                                                        Source – Medical Plastics News

          Q&A: Ending plastics pollution

                                                                Pharmaceutical Manufacturer spoke to Melchior
                                                                Kuo, manager, Innovation and Vaccine Policy,
                                                                IFPMA to find out more.

                                                                Planet vs. Plastics , Earth day 2024 concept 3d
                                                                tree background. Ecology concept. Design with
                                                                globe map drawing and leaves isolated on white

                                                                How does plastic packaging ensure the safety
                                                                and efficacy of pharmaceutical products?
                  fter IFPMA, GSCF, and IGBA submitted
                  a joint opening statement at the fifth        Plastic materials and components are indispen-
          Asession of the Intergovernmental Ne-                 sable in every stage of the pharmaceutical life-
          gotiating Committee (INC-5) for an international      cycle, and are crucial for medicine production,
          instrument to end plastics pollution, European        quality, and safety. This is because plastics have

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