Page 15 - Plastics News July 2024
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tion, and industry collaboration to achieve high Certification ensures the safety and sustainability of
recycling rates. recycled plastics for food-contact applications,
meeting global standards and regulatory com-
4. Engineering Plastics - Recycling Opportuni- pliance.
12. Relevance of Quality in International Trade:
Recycling high-performance plastics like nylon
and polycarbonate reduces waste and environ- Maintaining high-quality standards in recycled
mental footprint in industries such as automo- plastics supports global trade competitiveness
tive and electronics. Adhering to ESG principles and promotes sustainable supply chains.
ensures responsible recycling practices. Conclusion:
5. Environmental Social and Governance The Sustainability Forum was an interactive ses-
(ESG): sion filled with valuable knowledge and best prac-
ESG principles guide companies in adopting tices shared by industry experts. It was a highly in-
sustainable practices, including responsible formative and interactive event, bringing together
plastic recycling, to enhance their reputation industry experts to discuss advancements in recy-
and meet stakeholder expectations. cling technologies and sustainability practices. Key
topics included mechanical and chemical recycling,
6. Brand Expectation: regulatory standards, and brand expectations. Par-
ticipants gained valuable insights into the latest ma-
Consumers expect brands to prioritize eco-
friendly practices and transparency in plastic chinery, innovative solutions, and the importance of
maintaining high quality in recycled products
recycling to build trust and loyalty.
Day 4, (7th July 2024)
7. rPET Quality and Pricing:
During the fourth day of the Global Conclave on
Quality rPET meets industry standards for Plastic Recycling and Sustainability (GCPRS), exhibi-
cleanliness and performance, influencing pric- tors were invited to provide feedback regarding their
ing based on market demand and recycling ef- experience at the exhibition. Through video testi-
ficiencies. monials, exhibitors expressed positive responses
8. rPO Quality and Pricing: and satisfaction with their participation in the event.
They highlighted the opportunities for networking,
rPO's quality and pricing are affected by contami- knowledge exchange, and showcasing their innova-
nation and processing methods, influencing its tions in plastic recycling technologies and sustain-
competitiveness in the recycled plastics market. able practices.
9. Raw Material Pricing: Exhibitors appreciated the well-organized structure
of GCPRS, emphasizing its effectiveness in bring-
Fluctuations in raw material prices impact the ing together industry leaders, researchers, and
economics of plastic recycling, influencing costs policymakers to discuss critical issues and solutions
and market competitiveness. in plastic recycling. They noted that the exhibition
10. Role of Digitization and AI: provided a platform to engage with a diverse audi-
ence and explore potential collaborations to further
Digitization and AI optimize plastic recycling advancements in sustainable plastic waste manage-
processes by improving sorting accuracy, effi- ment.
ciency, and supply chain management.
Overall, exhibitors conveyed their enthusiasm for
11. PCR Testing, rPET, ISCC Certification, US- future editions of GCPRS, underscoring their inten-
FDA, EFSA, and FSSAI: tion to continue participating in this premier event
dedicated to promoting environmental stewardship
July 2024 PLASTICS NEWS 15