Page 11 - Plastics News July 2024
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                           GLOBAL CONCLAVE ON PLASTIC

                           RECYCLING AND SUSTAINBILITY

                                                 Exhibition Report 4th July to 7th July

                                           India’s 1st Plastic Recycling & Sustainability Show

          Introduction                                         The highlights of the conclave include the unveiling
                                                               of the "Plastic Experience Centre," which showcased
               he report aims to summarize the Global Con-     why plastic is an inseparable part of humans life,  in-
               clave on Plastic Recyling and Sustainability    novative solutions and technologies in the plastic
          T(GCPRS) 2024, covering the inauguration, ex-        waste management industry, and insightful ses-
          hibition, side events, feedback from exhibitors, visi-  sions like the CEO Roundtable and Sustainability Fo-
          tors, and other key activities held from July 4th to   rum, which emphasized the transition to a circular
          7th at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi.                    economy  and  explored  regulatory  frameworks  for

          The Global Conclave on Plastic Recycling and Sus-    sustainable plastic management.
          tainability (GCPRS) held immense importance for      GCPRS received commendation for its role in foster-
          businesses involved in recycling, shaping industry   ing knowledge exchange, promoting industry best
          standards and promoting innovation. By fostering     practices, and setting a precedent for future initia-
          collaboration and showcasing cutting-edge tech-      tives aimed at achieving sustainable development
          nologies, GCPRS not only enhanced operational ef-    goals in the plastics sector.
          ficiencies but also boosted market competitiveness.
          Moreover, the conclave's focus on sustainability     DAY 1 – 4th July 2024
          aligned businesses with global environmental goals,   A. Inaugural Function
          reducing their ecological footprint and enhancing
          corporate responsibility. Ultimately, GCPRS con-     The inaugural function was honoured by the pres-
          tributed significantly for advancement of recycling  ence  of  officials  from  the  Ministry  of  Chemicals  &
          practices, mitigating plastic waste pollution, and  Fertilizers,  the  Ministry  of  Micro,  Small  &  Medium
          preserving natural                                   Enterprises,  and  various  industry  leaders.  More
                                                               than 25 key officials from the Department of Chemi-
          GCPRS, held from 4th to 7th July 2024, established   cals and Petrochemicals, Ministry of Chemicals and
          itself as a pioneering event in India's efforts towards   Fertilizers, attended the event, including the follow-
          sustainable  plastic  management.  Co-organized  by   ing  prominent  government  officials  and  industry
          AIPMA and CPMA, GCPRS brought together indus-        leaders:
          try leaders, innovators, and policymakers to address
          critical challenges and showcase advancements in     ♦   Chief Guest:  Ms. Nivedita Shukla Verma,
          plastic recycling technologies. The event was at-        IAS,  Secretary, Department of Chemicals and
          tended by over 275 exhibitors and 25,000+ business       Petrochemicals, Ministry of Chemicals and Fer-
          visitors.                                                tilizers, Government of India
                                                               ♦   Special Invitee: Ms. Mercy EPao, Joint secre-
          The event's inauguration, graced by Ms. Nivedita         tary, Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium   En-
          Shukla Verma, IAS, Secretary, Department of Chemi-       terprises, Government of India
          cals and Petro-chemicals, Ministry of Chemicals and
          Fertilizers, Government of India, as chief guest and  ♦   Other Key Guests:
          other distinguished guests, underscored the impor-          •  Shri Deepak Mishra, Joint Secretary, DCPC
          tance of collaborative efforts in promoting environ-
          mental stewardship within the plastics industry.            •  Shri Deepankar Aron,  Joint Secretary,
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