Page 14 - Plastics News July 2024
P. 14


          Day 2 – 5th July 2024
          A.  Key Visitors:

          The day two started on an encouraging note with
          the visit of following officials:
          1.  Ms. Divya Sinha, Director, Central Pollution Con-
             trol Board (CPCB)

          2.  Shri Binay Kumar Jha, Director, Swachh Bharat
             Mission, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs

          3.  Shri Prashant Banarjee from SIAM
          B.  Sustainability forum

          The Sustainability Forum, inaugurated on the sec-
          ond day of the Global Conclave of Plastic Recycling
          and Sustainability (GCPRS) on July 5, 2024, aimed to
          provide companies with a platform to share their  Day 3 – 6th  July 2024
          sustainability measures and waste management
          ideas. This facilitated interactive sessions for ex-  Key Visitors:
          changing  knowledge  and  practices,  fostering  col-  Delegation  of  Ministry  of  Housing  and  Urban  Af-
          laboration and innovation in the recycling industry.   fairs attended GCPRS exhibition. And Mr Satyedra,
          The forum showcased the latest advancements in       Director and Mr Amit love, Scientist from Ministry of
                                                               Environment Forest and Climate Change visited the
          recycling technologies and provided insights into    exhibition.
          regulatory  frameworks  and  industry  standards.
          Key topics discussed included the resolution on  Continuation of Sustainability forum
          the United Nations Environment Assembly, the INC
          process, and the development of an international     1.  Mechanical Recycling of rPO and rPET:
          legally binding instrument on plastic pollution. Em-     Mechanical recycling turns polyolefins (rPO) and
          phasizing  the  importance  of  Extended  Producer       polyethylene terephthalate (rPET) plastics into
          Responsibility (EPR) in managing plastic waste, the      new materials by melting and reshaping them.
          forum also explored advanced machinery for recy-         It reduces waste but faces challenges like con-
          cling plastics and differences in sorting technology     tamination and quality issues.
          between domestic and international contexts. Addi-
          tionally, it covered washing line technologies from  2.  Chemical Recycling and Emerging Land-
          Europe and Asia, as well as international advance-       scape:
          ments in extruder technology and design engineer-
          ing.                                                     Chemical  recycling  breaks  down  plastics  into
                                                                   basic components for creating new materials.
                                                                   It  offers  potential  solutions  for  mixed  or  con-
                                                                   taminated  plastics  but  requires  technological
                                                                   advancements for scalability and cost-effective-
                                                               3.  Recycling Perspective:

                                                                   Recycling aims to create a circular economy
                                                                   where plastics are reused and recycled to mini-
                                                                   mize  waste  and  environmental  impact.  It  re-
                                                                   quires  better  infrastructure,  consumer  educa-
             14   PLASTICS NEWS                                                                      July 2024
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