Page 49 - Plastics News July 2024
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          bon credits, which aim to reduce greenhouse gas  Challenges and Criticisms
          emissions, plastic credits address the plastic waste
          problem. Moreover, companies can purchase these      Ensuring the credibility and integrity of PCs requires
          credits  to  offset  their  plastic  footprint,  support   robust verification processes and standardized met-
          waste management projects, and promote a circu-      rics, which can be complex and costly. Additionally,
          lar economy.                                         the PCs market is still in its infancy, with limited li-
                                                               quidity and standardized trading platforms, posing
          How Do Plastic Credits Work?                         challenges for widespread adoption. Critics argue

          Certification:  Accredited  organizations  or  certifica-  that plastic credits might be used by companies to
          tion bodies verify and certify plastic collection or   sidestep their responsibility to reduce plastic pro-
          recycling projects. These  projects can  range from   duction and consumption, relying solely on offsets
          community-based clean-up initiatives to large-scale   rather  than  making  substantive  changes.  Further-
          industrial recycling operations.                     more, accurately measuring the environmental and
                                                               social impact of these credits is challenging, requir-
          Issuance of Credits: Once a project is certified, it is is-  ing ongoing monitoring and evaluation.
          sued a certain number of PCs based on the amount     Successful Case Studies
          of plastic waste collected or recycled. Each credit
          corresponds to a specific weight of plastic.         The Plastic Bank: An organization incentivizes plas-
                                                               tic collection by offering digital tokens in exchange,
          Purchase and Trading: Companies looking to offset    which people can use to purchase goods and ser-
          their plastic usage can purchase these credits on    vices. Plastic Bank sells credits to corporations look-
          the market. The funds generated from the sale of     ing to offset their footprint.
          credits support further waste management activi-
          ties.                                                Repurpose Global: A platform that certifies and sells
                                                               PCs, funding waste collection and recycling projects
          Redemption  and  Reporting:  Companies  that  buy    across the globe—Repurpose Global partners with
          PCs can claim them against their plastic usage, ef-  businesses to help them achieve their sustainability
          fectively reducing their net plastic footprint. Regular   goals.
          reporting and third-party audits ensure transpar-
          ency and accountability.                             A Promising Future
          Benefits of PC                                       Plastic credits represent a promising approach to
                                                               mitigating the plastic waste crisis. By providing eco-
          Environmental Impact: They help reduce plastic pol-  nomic incentives for waste collection and recycling,
          lution by funding the waste collection and recycling   they help create a more sustainable and circular
          initiatives, thereby preventing plastic from entering   economy. However, the effectiveness of plastic cred-
          natural ecosystems.                                  its will depend on rigorous standards, transparent

          Corporate  Responsibility:  Companies  can  demon-   reporting, and genuine corporate engagement. As
          strate their commitment to sustainability and en-    the market matures, plastic credits could play a sig-
          vironmental stewardship by offsetting their plastic   nificant role in reducing the environmental impact
          usage.                                               of plastic waste and promoting a cleaner, healthier
          Economic  Incentives:  They  create  financial  incen-                       Source – Plastics Engineering
          tives for waste management projects, encouraging
          innovation and investment in recycling technologies
          and infrastructure.
          Community Empowerment: Many plastic collection
          projects  operate  in  developing  regions,  providing
          economic opportunities, and improving living con-
          ditions for local communities.

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