Page 48 - Plastics News July 2024
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          ing about when to build plants, decisions that OPEC  “We finally hit that inflection point in the curve, and
          makes  about  gasoline  production  and  things  like  we need to do the same for plastics,” Bailey said.
          that,” Bailey said. “There are a lot of macroeconomic
          trends that show there is going to be a lot of virgin   She noted that the tools that boosted the renewa-
          plastic on the market for several years to come, and   bles sector will benefit the recycling space.
          it is going to be very cheap.”                       Renewable energy received federal subsidies, which
          Recycled content mandates and more                   plastics recycling stakeholders are calling for in the
                                                               recycling world. Regulations started requiring cer-
          Bailey and Eagles said the current plastic dynamics   tain energy users to incorporate a certain percent-
          are very similar to where the development of renew-  age of renewable energy, much the same as a PCR
          able energy as a major energy source was 10 or 20    mandate. Government procurement guidelines be-
          years ago.                                           gan to prefer renewable energy, and there is move-

          Renewable energy was a fraction of what was pro-     ment toward federal procurement guidelines that
          duced on the market, and electricity production was   would support recycled-content products.
          dominated by coal, oil and natural gas. Today, solar,                   Source – Plastics Recycling Update
          wind and other renewables are coming to scale, and
          although fossil fuels are still dominant, the Interna-
          tional Energy Agency has forecasts that show peak
          fossil fuel demand coming this decade and fossil
          fuels declining as a share of global energy supply.
          That’s in part due to the “phenomenal rise” of solar,
          wind, electric vehicles, heat pumps and other clean
          energy technologies.

          What are Plastic Credits About?

                                                                  Plastic credits aim to mitigate global plastic pol-
                                                                  lution and foster sustainable waste management

                                                                     lastic  pollution  is a growing  environmental
                                                                     crisis, with millions of tons of plastic waste in
                                                               Pthe oceans yearly. To overcome this issue, in-
                                                               novative solutions like plastic credits have emerged.
                                                               Plastic credits (PC) are a market-based mechanism
                                                               designed to incentivize and fund the collection and
                                                               recycling of plastic waste.

                                                               Understanding Plastic Credits

                                                               Plastic credits are certificates representing collect-
                                                               ing or recycling a specific amount of plastic waste,
                                                               typically  measured  in  kilograms  or  tons.  Like  car-

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