Page 84 - Plastics News July 2024
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          medical devices. Advances in polymer engineering  oxythiophene) (PEDOT) are examples of conductive
          are leading to the development of new materials  polymers that have been extensively studied and
          with enhanced biocompatibility, functionality, and  used. These materials are being incorporated into
          performance.                                         flexible electronics, wearable sensors, and organic
                                                               solar cells. The ability to print conductive polymers
          One notable area of progress is in the design of pol-  onto flexible substrates is particularly advantageous
          ymer-based drug delivery systems. These systems      for  developing  lightweight,  flexible,  and  wearable
          can encapsulate drugs and release them in a con-     electronic devices.
          trolled manner, improving therapeutic efficacy and
          reducing side effects. Advances in polymer chem-     Conclusion
          istry have led to the creation of hydrogels, micelles,   The field of polymer engineering is witnessing rapid
          and nanoparticles that can deliver drugs to specific   advancements, driven by the need for materials that
          sites in the body, responding to stimuli such as pH   are more sustainable, high-performing, and versa-
          or temperature.                                      tile. From sustainable and high-performance poly-

          In tissue engineering, biodegradable polymers are    mers to smart materials and advanced manufactur-
          being  used  to  create  scaffolds  that  support  the   ing techniques, these innovations are transforming
          growth  of  new  tissues.  These  scaffolds  provide  a   industries and improving the quality of life.
          temporary structure for cells to adhere to and prolif-  As researchers continue to push the boundaries of
          erate, gradually degrading as the new tissue forms.   polymer science, we can expect to see even more
          Polymers like polyglycolic acid (PGA) and polylactic-  exciting developments in the future. The integration
          co-glycolic acid (PLGA) are commonly used in these   of  polymers  with  nanotechnology,  biotechnology,
          applications due to their biocompatibility and tun-  and advanced manufacturing holds the promise of
          able degradation rates.                              creating  materials  with  unprecedented  properties
          8. Conductive Polymers                               and functionalities, paving the way for new appli-
                                                               cations and solutions to some of the world’s most
          Conductive polymers, which can conduct electricity,   pressing challenges.
          are opening up new possibilities in electronics, sen-
          sors, and energy storage. Unlike traditional conduc-                         Source – Plastics Technology
          tive materials like metals, conductive polymers are
          lightweight,  flexible,  and  can  be  processed  using
          conventional polymer techniques.

          Polyaniline, polypyrrole, and poly (3,4-ethylenedi-

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