Page 79 - Plastics News July 2024
P. 79


          Plastics in Consumer Goods: Balancing

          Functionality and Environmental


                                                               terials and they include the following. It is commonly
                                                               used for food packaging, bottles, bags, and also for
                                                               wrapping material and many other things.
                                                               b. Household Items: Most of household goods
                                                               that we use in the homes are made of plastic; for ex-
                                                               ample, containers, utensils, furniture and even ap-
                                                               pliances. They are durable, and their manufacturing
                                                               is relatively simple; thus, they are commonly used.

                                                               c. Electronics: Electronics like smart phones, com-
                                                               puters, refrigerators, television and others cannot
                                                               be manufactured without plastics. It offers insula-
                                                               tion, durability as well as versatility in the patterns
                                                               of construction.

                                                               d. Clothing and Accessories: Some of the compo-
                                                               nents used as fabrics in the fashion industry include
                                                               polyester, nylon, and acrylic that are types of plas-

                                                               e. Automobiles: Automotive industry utilizes plas-
          Introduction:                                        tics  in  car  making  like  dashboard,  bumpers  and
                                                               seats because they are cheap and light in nature.
          Today plastics are considered as a necessity in our
          everyday life. From the toothbrush we use in the  B. The Benefits of Plastics
          morning to the packs our favorite snacks come in,
          plastics are all around. They are used usually be-   Consumer-plastics have great utility or application
          cause they are fairly generalized, hard wearing and   in various consumer goods in society today. Here
          reasonably priced. But there is immense concern on   are some of the key benefits:
          the environment due to the use of plastics in the    1. Durability: Plastics on the other hand are very
          society today. In this article, the author focuses on   hardy or rather resistant and can take a lot of beat-
          the applicability of plastics in consumption goods,   ing. Because of this, such materials are ideal for
          duty of functions, and the necessity of the need for   products that require to have a long lifespan within
          environmentally sensitivity.                         the required environment.

          A.  The Ubiquity of Plastics in Consumer Goods       2. Lightweight: The material is lightweight despite

          Essentials of plastics are traced in almost all com-  its high strength, this means less fuel is used to
          modities  that are  in use  by  consumers.  Here are   transport them and energy used in transit also ex-
          some common examples:                                perience a reduction.

          a. Packaging: There are several aspects within pack-  3. Versatility:  In  fact  it  can  be  made  in  different
          aging that plastics are preferred among other ma-    sizes and shapes that makes it easier to be used in
                                                               different areas of application.

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