Page 82 - Plastics News July 2024
P. 82


          What Advances Are Being Made in

          Polymer Engineering?

                                                               researchers are focusing on bio-based polymers,
                                                               which  are  derived  from  renewable  resources  like
                                                               corn starch, sugarcane, and cellulose. These mate-
                                                               rials  offer  comparable  properties  to  conventional
                                                               plastics but are biodegradable, reducing their envi-
                                                               ronmental footprint.

                                                               Recent  advancements  in  sustainable  polymers  in-
                                                               clude the development of polylactic acid (PLA), a bi-
                                                               odegradable polymer made from fermented plant
                                                               starch. PLA is being increasingly used in packaging,
                                                               disposable cutlery, and even medical implants. An-
                                                               other exciting development is the creation of PEF
                                                               (polyethylene furanoate), a bio-based polymer with
                                                               superior barrier properties compared to PET (poly-
                                                               ethylene terephthalate). PEF can extend the shelf
                                                               life of packaged foods and beverages, making it a
                                                               promising alternative for the packaging industry.
                                                               2. High-Performance Polymers

                                                               High-performance polymers are engineered to
               olymer engineering, a branch of materials sci-  withstand extreme conditions, such as high temper-
               ence that focuses on designing, analyzing, and   atures, chemical exposure, and mechanical stress.
          Pmodifying polymers, is at the forefront of nu-      These materials are crucial in industries like aero-
          merous technological innovations. Polymers, which    space, automotive, and electronics, where reliability
          are large molecules composed of repeated subu-       and durability are paramount.
          nits, are integral to countless applications, ranging
          from everyday household items to advanced medi-      One significant advancement in this area is the de-
          cal  devices  and  aerospace  components.  The  field  velopment of polyimides, which can maintain their
          of polymer engineering is continuously evolving,  properties at temperatures exceeding 300°C. Poly-
          driven by the need for materials that are more du-   imides are used in a variety of high-temperature ap-
          rable, sustainable, and versatile. This article delves  plications,  including  flexible  electronics,  insulation
          into the recent advances in polymer engineering,  for wires, and components in jet engines. Similarly,
          highlighting significant breakthroughs and their im-  PEEK (polyether ether ketone) is another high-per-
          plications for various industries.                   formance  polymer  known  for  its  exceptional  me-
          1. Sustainable Polymers                              chanical properties and chemical resistance. PEEK
                                                               is used in demanding applications such as medical
          One  of  the  most  pressing  challenges  in  polymer  implants, where it can replace metals due to its bio-
          engineering is developing sustainable polymers to  compatibility and radiolucency (invisibility to X-rays).
          reduce environmental impact. Traditional polymers,   3. Smart Polymers
          such as polyethylene and polypropylene, are de-
          rived from non-renewable fossil fuels and contrib-   Smart  polymers,  also  known  as  stimuli-responsive
          ute  significantly  to  plastic  pollution.  In  response,  polymers, can change their properties in response

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