Page 35 - Plastics News June 2024
P. 35


         Deluxe Recycling opens multi-layered plastic recycling plant in


         With the opening of the new facility, Deluxe has doubled its overall multi-layer plastic recycling capacity from
         13,000 tonnes/year to 27,000 tonnes/year

                  eluxe Recycling has opened  50,000 across the two locations in the  a pivotal step for us towards translat-
                  a multi-layered plastic recy-  next two and a half years to eventually  ing our vision into a reality, and we ap-
                  cling plant in Sarigam, in the  become  South  Asia’s largest  multi-  preciate the continuous support from
                  Indian state of Gujarat.   layer plastic recycler.             Circulate Capital,” said Jignesh Shah,

          The  Mumbai-based  waste  manager  The company employees a small net-  managing director of Deluxe. “This fa-
          recycles  used  beverage  cartons  as  work of waste pickers that help it divert   cility marks a significant advancement
          well as multi-layered and mixed plas-  multi-layer packing from landfill. At its   for us towards developing sustainable
          tic waste. With the opening of the new  material  recovery  facilities,  the  waste   solutions for the collection, manage-
          facility, Deluxe has doubled its overall  is collected and sorted for recycling.   ment, and recycling of MLP, driving
          multi-layer plastic recycling capacity  Deluxe uses proprietary, in-house de-  impactful environmental progress in
          from  13,000  tonnes/year  to  27,000  veloped technology to manufacture a   India.”
          tonnes/year.  It  also  operates  another  variety  of  rigid  products  with  its  re-  India’s plastics  recycling  rate stood
          recycling plant in Bengaluru.      cyclate. It currently holds 90% of the  at 8% in 2019. The country generates
                                             market share for recycled seat boards  nearly 26,000 tonnes of plastic waste
          Funding from Circulate Capital, a cir-
          cular economy investment  manage-  for rickshaws, also known as tuk-tuks,  every day, more than any economy ex-
          ment firm which manages the largest   a  popular  means  of  transport  in the  pect the United States and the Europe-
          recycling portfolio in Asia, fuelled the   buzzing streets on India.    an Union. The country aims to recycle
          expansion of the venture.          “Opening  the  largest  multi-layered   60% of plastic waste by 2028.
          Deluxe aims to increase its capacity to   plastic (MLP) recycling plant in India is   Source – Sustainable Plastics

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