Page 38 - Plastics News June 2024
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          quisition.                         tivities on the other. With the extensive  he added.
          “I am delighted that we have been able   know-how  that  Heinlein  has  to  offer,   Alpla  currently  has  196  production
          to gain Heinlein Plastik-Technik, which   we can expand our product portfolio to   facilities across 47 countries and em-
          is a long-established, global business,”   include high-quality primary packaging   ploys  23,300  workers  worldwide.  In
          said Alpla CEO Philipp Lehner . “It is   solutions for the pharma industry. The   2023, its sales totalled € 4.7 billion.
          a good fit with our focus on the one   beneficiaries of this will first and fore-  Source – Sustainable Plastics
          hand  on  the  dynamics  of  advancing   most  be  our  mutual  customers,  who
          technological innovations and on the   will now be able to source their tailored
          global expansion of our business ac-  system solutions from a single place,”

          Line O Matic shines at Drupa with sales and technology showcase

                  ndian printing machinery  our flexo printing machine for plastic  Flexo press
                  manufacturer  Line O Mat-  packaging being a popular item.”    The company is also evaluating the in-
                  ic has  had  an impressive   Line  O  Matic  also  showcased  their  tegration of sensors into the machines
                  showing at Drupa 2024.      augmented  operator  advisor technol-  to provide live video feeds from inside
          According to Nirav Parikh, general  ogy, which helps operators easily iden-  machines.  While costs  are  still being
          manager (marketing) at Line O Matic  tify and resolve issues using a tablet  evaluated,  Parikh emphasised  focus-
          Graphic Industries,  the company’s  interface. The tablet interface provides  ing  on  customer  benefits  over  costs
          stand saw many visitors from Europe  real-time monitoring of machines and  to gain more customers. “We will con-
          who  were  impressed with  the  quality  allows remote control via software like  tinue implementing additional features
          and capabilities of all  four machines  TeamViewer.  “This  would  allow  cus-  based on customer needs and require-
          across different market  segments  tomers to troubleshoot issues them-  ments.”
          showcased  at  the  show.  “We  have  selves  rather  than  always  calling  for   Over  time,  the  five-decade-old  Line
          sold  35  machines  at  the  show,  with  support,” said Parikh.

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