Page 37 - Plastics News June 2024
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          “This can be a true game changer for  of building this new facility at an exist-  The investment  is expected  to create
          providing  low-  or  zero-carbon  power  ing site is that if we run into challenges  more than 200 jobs, as well as about
          for industrial processes,”  said Neil  as  we’re  integrating  the  new  thermal  1,000 temporary construction jobs.
          Brown,  an  Eastman  engineer.  “Any-  technology,  we  have  backup  steam  Eastman currently employs more than
          where  there  are  great  needs  for  pro-  and power systems in place to allow  1,500 in Longview.
          cess heat — and Eastman uses a lot  continued operations.”                     Source – Sustainable Plastics
          of  heat  to  power  our  processes  —   The Longview plant will have capacity
          thermal  batteries  can  be  a  solution   to  process  about  110,000  tonnes  of
          because you’re able to store heat for   plastic waste annually.
          so long with so little loss. Another plus

          Alpla Group acquires pharma plastics manufacturer

          Germany-based Heinlein Plastik-Technik joins Alpla’s pharma division

                  ustria-based    packaging  ity in Bavaria. The plant comprises de-  produced annually in three-shift opera-
                  producer and recycler Alpla  velopment, construction including the  tions.
                  Group has acquired Heinlein  company’s  own  mould  construction   Alpla said it plans to turn the Ansbach
                  Plastik-Technik,  a manu-  and mechanical engineering, and pro-  site into a technology centre for injec-
          facturer  of closure  systems, dosing  duction  together  with  moulding  and   tion moulding and automation technol-
          systems, and application aids for the  assembly.                       ogy for the entire Alpla pharma group.
          pharma and medical industries.
                                             Heinlein’s machine fleet currently com-  Heinlein will continue to operate ‘large-
          Heinlein is based in Ansbach, Ger-  prises more than 60 injection mould-  ly independently’ as a member of the
          many,  and  currently  employs around  ing and  assembly  machines.  More   Alpla pharma  group. The  companies
          175 at its 22,000 square meter facil-  than a billion plastic components are   did not disclose the terms of the ac-

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