Page 43 - Plastics News June 2024
P. 43


         Bio-based resins could offer recyclable future for 3D printing

         A new type of recyclable resin, made from biosourced materials, has been designed for use in 3D printing ap-

                  n a study, published in Na-  biomass,  the  recyclability  of  these  is  The feedstock for the process is made
                  ture,  researchers  from  the  still limited, because they rely on irre-  from lipoic acid, a naturally occurring
                  University of Birmingham  versible bonds being created when the  fatty acid molecule that is commonly
                  showed  that  high-resolu-  resin hardens. To break these bonds,  sold as a dietary supplement. The team
          tion, 3D printed structures  can be  additional chemicals have to be added  made a combination of two monomers
          manufactured  from an entirely bio-  at each stage, resulting in a ‘snowball-  from  the  lipoic  acid  from  which  they
          sourced feedstock.                 ing effect’, in which the only way to re-  were able to make a resin that could
          Once they have reached  the end of   cycle the material is to make more of it.  be recycled either back into the mono-
          their  useful  life, the  products can  be  In contrast, the Birmingham-led team   mers, or right back to the original mol-
          recycled within an almost fully closed-  has,  for  the  first  time,  succeeded  in   ecule for recycling.
          loop system.                       producing  a  photopolymer  resin  that  In the study, the researchers complet-
          Photopolymer  resins,  which  harden   can be printed at high resolution but  ed  two  ‘recycles’,  but  anticipate  that
          – or cure – on exposure to light, are   can then be broken back down to its  further recycles would be possible.
          commonly  used in the  manufacture   constituent parts, recycled and reprint-  Uses  for the material  could include
          of bespoke 3D printed parts. Howev-  ed,  with  the  addition  of  just  a  small   industries  where  rapid  prototyping  is
          er, while technologies to improve the   amount  of  photoinitiator  to  maintain   used to test products before moving to
          resolution of 3D printing and its speed   the material’s curable properties.   mass  production. Although currently
          of  manufacture have  advanced  con-  Lead  researcher  Professor  Andrew  the material is more flexible than might
          siderably, the resins themselves have  Dove  said:  “Our  approach  is  an  im-  be commonly used in industry, future
          changed very little since the process  portant  step  away  from  relying  on  applications could include automotive
          first emerged in the 1980s.        3D-printable resins made from petro-  parts, medical and dental components,
          The basic materials – usually epoxies   chemicals, which cannot be efficiently  and even jewellery design.
          or acrylics – come mostly from petro-  recycled. While we still have improve-  University of Birmingham Enterprise
          chemical feedstocks.  Although some   ments to make to the properties of the   has filed a patent application covering
          progress has been made in the use of   new resin, this research opens up ex-  the resin and its use in 3D printing.
          more sustainable resins derived from   citing new avenues for development.”                 Source – MPN

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