Page 66 - Plastics News June 2024
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          Conductive Polymers in Supercapacitors: Innovations and Appli-


           Conductive polymers (CPs) have emerged as a significant material      Schematic  diagram of asymmetric
           in the development of supercapacitors due to their unique proper-     supercapacitors based on conducting
           ties and potential applications in the market.                        polymers. Taken from Energy Science
                                                                                 & Engineering.

                                                                                 Based on their doping process, there
                                                                                 are two types of Conductive polymers
                                                                                 (CPs):  p-type  and  n-type.  These  CPs
                                                                                 operate within distinct potential ranges
                                                                                 determined by their electronic charac-
                                                                                 This concept uses the positive poten-
                                                                                 tial window of p-type polymers along-
                                                                                 side the comparatively negative poten-
                                                                                 tial window of n-type derivatives. This
                                                                                 approach  improves  the  supercapaci-
                                                                                 tor’s  maximum  withstanding  voltage
                                                                                 limits (cell working potential window),
                                                                                 enhancing its specific power density.

                 upercapacitors, or ultracapac-  polystyrene  sulfonate  (PEDOT:  PSS),   Enhancing CPs with Composite Mate-
                 itors,  have  high  power  den-  possess intrinsic electrical conductiv-  rials for Flexible Supercapacitors
                 sity,  rapid  charge/discharge  ity due to their conjugated  backbone   (A)  SEM  of  the  PAn/MWCNT  (Multi-
                 rates, and long cycle life, mak-  structure, which allows for delocaliza-  walled  carbon  nanotubes)  composite
                 ing them suitable for various  tion of π-electrons.             (inset  photograph  showing  that  the
          applications.                      This structure facilitates  electronic
          Driven  by  the  demand  for  flexible,  conduction and supports reversible re-
          lightweight,  and  durable  energy  stor-  dox reactions, enabling high pseudo-
          age solutions, the market for conduc-  capacitance, which is crucial for ener-
          tive polymer-based  supercapacitors  gy storage applications and polymers
          is expanding. These  supercapacitors  supercapacitors.
          find applications in portable electronic   Also,  these  lightweight,  flexible  poly-
          devices, wearable technology, electric   mers  can be processed  into various   supercapacitor  is transparent and
          vehicles,  and  renewable  energy  sys-  forms, enhancing their applicability in   flexible).  (B)  Specific  capacitance  for
          tems. For example, integrating flexible   flexible and wearable electronics.  a  supercapacitor  based  on  the  PAn/
          supercapacitors  into textiles enables                                 MWCNT measured at various bent
          the development of energy-harvesting  Enhancing Conductivity with Compos-  angles. Taken from Energy Science &
          garments  that  can  power  small  elec-  ites                         Engineering.
          tronic devices.                                                        Despite the advantages of conductive
          Conductive  Polymers:  The  Building                                   polymers, their poor cycle stability
          Blocks                                                                 often  restricts  their practical use. To
                                                                                 address  this  issue,  researchers  have
          Conductive  polymers,  such  as  poly-                                 developed  composite  electrodes  that
          aniline (PANI), polypyrrole (PPy), and                                 combine CPs with carbon materials or
          poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)                                       metal oxides.

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