Page 69 - Plastics News June 2024
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          Nanotechnology is revolutionizing the  enhanced protection against moisture,  Efficient  Polymerization  Techniques:
          field of plastics by enabling the devel-  gases, and UV light.         Advances  in  polymerization  tech-
          opment of nanocomposites and hybrid   Sustainable Manufacturing Processes  niques, such as controlled radical po-
          materials with enhanced properties. By                                 lymerization  and  catalytic  processes,
          incorporating nanoparticles into plas-  In addition to developing new materi-  enable the production of high-quality
          tics, researchers can create materials  als, innovations in plastics technology  plastics with precise properties. These
          with improved strength, barrier prop-  also focus on sustainable manufactur-  techniques improve the efficiency and
          erties, and conductivity.          ing processes. These processes aim to  sustainability of plastic manufacturing.
                                             reduce energy consumption, minimize
          Carbon  Nanotubes  (CNTs):  CNTs  are   waste,  and  lower  the  environmental   Conclusion:
          used to reinforce plastics, creating ma-  impact of plastic production.  Innovations in  plastics technology
          terials  with  exceptional  strength  and                              are transforming the material science
          electrical  conductivity.  Applications  3D  Printing:  Additive  manufacturing,
          include lightweight structural compo-  or 3D printing, allows for the creation   landscape, offering solutions to some
                                                                                 of the most pressing environmen-
          nents, conductive films, and advanced  of  complex  plastic  parts  with  mini-  tal and industrial challenges. From
          composites.                        mal  waste.  This  technology  is  used   biodegradable  and  high-performance
                                             in  prototyping,  customized  products,
          Graphene: This single layer of carbon   and  small-scale  production,  reducing   plastics to smart materials and nano-
          atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice   the need for traditional manufacturing   composites,  these  advancements  are
          offers remarkable mechanical, elec-  processes.                        pushing the boundaries of what is pos-
          trical, and thermal properties. Gra-                                   sible. As researchers and manufactur-
          phene-enhanced  plastics  are used in  Green Chemistry: The use of environ-  ers continue to explore new frontiers
          electronics, energy storage, and high-  mentally friendly chemical processes  in plastics technology, the potential
          performance composites.            and  renewable  feedstocks  in  plastic  for creating sustainable, durable, and
                                             production is gaining traction. Green  multifunctional  materials  is vast.  By
          Clay  Nanocomposites:  Incorporating   chemistry principles aim to reduce haz-
          clay nanoparticles into plastics im-  ardous substances, energy consump-  embracing these innovations, we can
                                                                                 pave  the  way  for  a  more  sustainable
          proves  their barrier properties, mak-  tion, and waste generation, promoting  and technologically advanced future.
          ing them ideal for packaging applica-  sustainable plastic manufacturing.
          tions. These nanocomposites provide                                             Source – Plastics Technology

         Converting biodegradable plastic waste into green energy

                 ecovering biodegradable plas-  nologies.                        in the project.
                 tic  waste  through  anaerobic   The project, financed by the Valencian  The aim will therefore be to study, at
                 co-digestion  treatment  with   Institute of Competitiveness and Inno-  laboratory and pilot scale, the degra-
                 sludge  from  sewage  treat-  vation (IVACE+i) within the framework  dation of different plastics through
         ment plants (STP) to obtain a biogas   of the European Union’s 2023 strategic  biological treatment with sludge from
         stream that can be used as an energy   cooperation projects, seeks to imple-  municipal sewage treatment plants un-
         vector and a digestate for agriculture.  ment an alternative to current manage-  der  anaerobic  conditions.  The  possi-

         This is the main objective of  ment of biodegradable plastic packag-    ble effects of the additives used in the
         Valplast(Recovery  of    bioplastics  ing waste that is aligned with circular  synthesis of plastics (conventional and
         through anaerobic co-digestion at  economy principles.                  bioplastics) in the anaerobic treatment
         sewage  treatment  plants),  a  strategic   “The main innovation of the project in-  process and the subsequent quality of
         project in which a consortium of mem-  volves  understanding  that  bioplastics   the digested sludge will also be evalu-
         bers participates, including Aimplas,   are a resource that can be recovered   ated, given that its main application is
         the Calagua Group UPV-UV Mixed      and transformed into green energy”,   agricultural use.
         Unit, and the companies Global Om-  according to researchers participating  Work will also be done on the devel-
         nium Medioambiente  and  Fych Tech-

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