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          learning and AI reinforce our position  Deep Learning at TOMRA Recycling,  globe.
          as a pioneer in this field.        adds: “The use of deep learning tech-  Among the early adopters of the brand

          With its sophisticated  use of deep   nology not only automates manual   new  applications  are  market-leading
          learning,  GAINnext™  enables  food-  sorting but also enables the indus-  plants such as Berry Circular Poly-
          grade sorting and bottle-to-bottle qual-  try to achieve high-quality recyclates   mers’  flagship  facility  in  Leamington
          ity,  tasks  that  have  posed  significant   through more granular sorting. Thanks   Spa, Viridor Avonmouth  in Bristol –
          challenges  for our industry for many   to  its  ability to  detect  thousands  of   the UK’s largest multi-polymer facility
          years. The use of AI is driving material   objects by material and shape in mil-  – and the French Nord Pal Plast plant,
          circularity at a time when it is needed   liseconds, GAINnext™ solves even the   which  is  owned  by  the  global  Dentis
          most, with tightening regulations and   most complex sorting tasks.    Group.
          increasing customer demand for tech-  Plus, with its integrated deep learning   Feedback from the market on the latest
          nologically advanced  solutions.  At  software,  it  offers  the  opportunity  to   GAINnext™ developments has been re-
          TOMRA, we're proud to be driving the  adapt to future demands. We are de-  soundingly positive.
          change in sorting.”                lighted to be able to launch these in-
          Solving the  most  complex  sorting   novative  and much-needed  solutions  Professor Edward Kosior, founder and
                                                                                 CEO of Nextek Ltd and its NEXTLOOPP
          tasks                              to meet the ever more stringent qual-
                                             ity requirements for sorting outputs,  initiative that aims to create food-grade
          Indrajeed  Prasad,  Product  Manager  driven by the increasing demand from  recycled polymer from advanced me-
                                             consumer brands for more high purity  chanical  recycling,  was  among  the
                                             recycled content.”                  most  recent  visitors to TOMRA’s
                                                                                 test  center  and  confirms:  “TOMRA’s
                                             Field-proven technology             ground-breaking AI system, GAIN-
                                             GAINnext™’s  deep  learning  technol-  next™, has propelled the recycling in-
                                             ogy  has  been  proven  in  the  field  for  dustry to an exciting pivotal juncture in
                                             many  years.  TOMRA  was  the  first  in  plastic packaging sorting and creates
                                             the industry to introduce deep learning  new opportunities for closing the loop
                                             technology  in  2019  with  an  applica-  on many plastics in food-grade appli-
                                             tion to identify and remove PE-silicon  cations. GAINnext™ is poised to accel-
                                             cartridges  from polyethylene  (PE)  erate  the  most  simplified,  cost-effec-
                                             streams. An application for wood chip  tive and highly efficient sorting system
                                             classification  soon  followed  in  2022.  on the market. We’re immensely proud
                                             To date, more than 100 AUTOSORT™  to see our industry moving forward on
                                             units with GAINnext™ are installed at  this transformational journey.”
             PP, PET, HDPE material on the belt stream  material recovery facilities across the

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