Page 70 - Plastics News June 2024
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                                                                                 of microplastics in the sludge. For this
                                                                                 analysis, the methodology developed
                                                                                 by AIMPLAS in previous projects will
                                                                                 be used. This method makes  it pos-
                                                                                 sible to measure these emerging con-
                                                                                 taminants in both wastewater and the
                                                                                 sludge generated at treatment plants.
                                                                                 This process will be used to develop a
                                                                                 methodology for energy recovery from
                                                                                 bioplastics at STP digesters for better
                                                                                 management of these wastes resulting
                                                                                 in greater energy recovery.
                                                                                 Also of note is the previous experience
                                                                                 that  part  of  this  consortium  acquired
                                                                                 during implementation of and collabo-
                                                                                 ration on other R&D projects related to
          opment and optimization of pilot plant  able to evaluate the environmental and  the goal of this project.
          instrumentation and control systems,  economic  sustainability of the  pro-
          as  well  as  the  analysis  of  costs  and  posed treatment”.                  Source – Recycling Magazine
          the life cycle. As consortium members   After the recovery process, analysis will
          highlighted, “They are essential to be
                                             be carried out to measure the presence

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