Page 41 - Plastics News November 2020
P. 41

Sonoco  ThermoSafe  introduces  temperature-            PACCOR  introduces  plastic  packaging
          controlled packaging                                    solutions with digital identity

            onoco ThermoSafe has launched a new line of fully
          Scurbside  recyclable  temperature-controlled           S ustainable  and  protective  packaging  solution
          packaging in the US. Named as EOS, the parcel shipper     provider  PACCOR  has  launched  plastic  packaging
          is  made  by  using  completely  post-industrial,  pre-  solutions  with  Digimarc  provided  barcode-enabled
          consumer paper fibre, a feedstock that some of the       digital identity. The digital technology will enable to
                                                                  identify  each  package  accurately  across  the  value
          company's  consumer  paper  products  naturally         chain.  With  this  new  step,  customers  can  use  the
          generate.  The  new  offering,  which  will  be  various
                                                                  innovation  directly  on  the  surface  of  rigid  plastic
          sizes, will initially be available only in the US. Sonoco   packaging while eliminating the need for any extra
          ThermoSafe segment director Ron Haub said: “It takes    marking  such  as  labels  or  direct  print.  Digimarc
          a company as uniquely experienced as Sonoco in paper    Barcodes can be scanned with smartphone cameras to
          manufacturing,  thermal  insulation  and  recycling     better  differentiate  between  food  and  non-food
                                                                  packaging  while  achieving  sorting.  PACCOR  chief
          management  to  create  a  product  like  EOS.“When
                                                                  executive officer Andreas Schuette said: “As one of
          global life science and food/perishables companies see
                                                                  the leading manufacturers of packaging, we want to
          Sonoco's name on a curbside recyclability claim, they
                                                                  close the material loop by enabling full recyclability of
          know  it  can  be  trusted.”  Prior  to  launching  the   our products. “Therefore we have set ourselves the
          product, Sonoco ThermoSafe carried out both internal    goal  of  minimising  packaging  waste,  conserving
          as  well  third-party  University  testing  on  its     resources  and  saving  energy  wherever  possible.”
         components. Sonoco ThermoSafe, which is a unit of        Digimarc Barcodes can be expanded over the entire
                                                                  plastic surface without affecting the package design.
         diversified packaging company Sonoco, specialises in
                                                                  PACCOR became the first packaging manufacturer to
         providing  temperature  assurance  packaging  for  the
                                                                  implement  Digimarc  Barcode  to  commercial  rigid
         safe  and  efficient  transport  of  pharmaceuticals,      plastic  packaging  surfaces.  Schuette  added:  “In
         biologics,  vaccines  and  other  temperature-sensitive   cooperation  and  with  the  aim  of  taking  full
         products.  In  August  this  year,  Sonoco  ThermoSafe   responsibility  for  the  materials  –  even  after
         signed a global agreement with ACL Airshop to provide    consumption – we would like to encourage all decision-
         pre-conditioning, handling and repair services at air    makers and all companies along the value chain to get
                                                                  involved and make it commercially viable. Only what
         cargo  facilities  around  the  world  representing  key
                                                                  is openly available will change the world.” Last year,
         pharma hubs for import and export. The company also
                                                                  PACCOR reached global partnership with Digimarc for
         developed  a  vendor-neutral  blockchain  platform  to   digital  watermarks  deployment.  PACCOR  resulted
         deliver improved transparency and traceability across    from the fusion of two important companies in the
         the  pharmaceutical  supply  chain  earlier  this  year.   packaging  industry.  In  2007,  the  French  Veriplast
         Sonoco ThermoSafe, a unit of Sonoco (NYSE:SON), is a     Group was acquired, followed by the consumer goods
         leading  global  provider  of  temperature  assurance    division of the Finnish packaging group Huhtamäki OYJ
                                                                  in 2010. Both companies were then merged to form
         packaging  for  the  safe  and  efficient  transport  of   the  PACCOR  Group  in  2011.  With  more  than  3000
         pharmaceuticals,  biologics,  vaccines  and  other
                                                                  dedicated  employees  in  15  countries,  PACCOR  is  a
         temperature-sensitive products.                          global player in the packaging industry.

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