Page 71 - Plastics News Issue November - 2024
P. 71


             then formed again. This arrangement is flu-            ers.  Techniques are also being developed
             id, meaning that the conditions under which            for the recycling, by means of catalyst and
             they are placed, for instance, temperature             other chemical treatments, of thermoset
             or pH, can be altered to enable reuse of the           polymers by ‘unzipping’ them back into
             plastic  and  maintain  the  structure  integrity.     depolymerized monomers or other useful
             Although the vitrimer technology is not per-           chemicals. This process, however, remains
             fect yet, it might be a good start towards the         under development and might make recy-
             development of recyclable thermoset plas-              cling of thermosets as a closed-loop system
             tics.                                                  where the material is recycled repeatedly
                                                                    without sacrificing quality.
          2.  Bio-Based Thermoset Resins: Another new
             stream being pursued is that of making ther-
             mosets based on bio derived matrix materi-
             als. Epoxy resin based thermosets by default       4.      Additive Manufacturing with Recyclable
             have attributes connected with their petro-        Thermosets: 3D printing or known as Additive
             genic origination,  which  is typical for  tradi-  manufacturing  is  nowadays  used  when  creat-
             tional thermosets. Instead of using petroleum      ing thermoset plastics with recyclable features.
             based products, thermosets can be formed           This paper indicates that through formulations
             with bio based feed stocks like the plant oil      of recyclable thermosets for 3D printing manu-
             or protein with low carbon foot prints. Also,      facturing, innovative functional parts with high-
             some bio-based thermosets are developed            performance characteristics can be developed
             as biodegradable or recyclable thermosets,         by special or niche applications, then recovered
             which respond to the environmental prob-           and recycled once their lifespan is over. This ap-
             lems of traditional thermoset plastics. Fur-       proach looks quite promising towards its appli-
             ther, there are other bio-sourced polymers         cation in various industries especially aerospace
             particularly  bio-sourced  thermosets  which       and automotive industries where material prop-
             have  been  created  including  lignin,  a  natu-  erties are highly critical. Incorporating recyclable
             ral polymer in plant tissues from which bio-       thermoset resins and further development of 3D
             based thermosets have been synthesized             printing, this concept could become valuable by
             with higher tendencies of bio deterioration        manufacturing useful parts that can be recycled,
             compared to earlier related products.              instead of large amounts of ‘throw away’ parts.

          3.  Chemical Recycling Techniques: Chemical           Opportunities in Different Industries
             recycling is a processing technique that in-       1.  Automotive and Aerospace Industries: Au-
             volves decomposing polymers into basic                 tomotive and Aerospace are recognized
             monomers in order to restructure polymers.             among the key consumers of the thermoset
             While some types of thermosets are more                plastics. Be it the car body parts; some air-
             difficult to recycle chemically, compared to           plane wings – these materials are selected
             mechanically; chemical recycling is less haz-          for being both – light, but strong. But auto-
             ardous and offers ways of disposal of waste.           mobiles in particular, when they reach their
             Methods are also being invented for the re-            useful life and other aircraft produce a lot
             processing by means of a catalyst and oth-
                                                                    of waste. About this, recyclable thermo-

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