Page 68 - Plastics News Issue November - 2024
P. 68


          Challenges and Limitations                            d.   Environmental Concerns: However, the pro-
                                                                    cesses of chemical recycling themselves
          Chemical recycling is yet a promising way, but it         should also not release some toxic byprod-
          has its limitations. The technology is compara-           ucts into the environment because these
          tively nascent, and there are a number of ob-             processes do assist in reducing the rates of
          stacles that have to be passed prior to its main-         accumulation of plastic wastes in the landfills
          stream employment.                                        and incinerators. Pyrolysis type of chemical

          a.  High Costs and Energy Requirements: Most              recycling in particular results in the forma-
             chemical recycling processes consume much              tion of gases and liquids which should be
             energy, and this makes them costly com-                discharged in an environmentally manner.
             pared to most other methods of recycling.          Conclusion
             This is more evident in pyrolysis and gasifi-
             cation where minerals are utilized commonly        The idea of chemical recycling  is identified as
             to provide heat to break a plastic. However,       a solution to tackling the issue, with an added
             to make these processes more efficient and         potential of converting plastics wastes into valu-
             economical there is constant research and          able materials. Compared to other recycling
             development currently going on.                    strategies, chemical recycling is capable of recy-
                                                                cling more types of plastics, output higher qual-
          b.  Limited Infrastructure: Currently, there are      ity materials and cater for closed-loop recycling
             few if any chemical recycling facilities that      economy. However, the serious obstacles which
             are in operation globally. Chemical recycling      are  present  in modern  world,  including high
             will take much greater investments through         costs, lack of infrastructures for this technology
             new plants, while the classifying of chemical      and the negative impacts on environment have
             waste for collecting between frugal and ex-        to be solved to achieve the overall potential of
             pensive materials will also be needed.
                                                                this technology.
          c.  Quality Control: Quality assurance of prod-
             ucts synthesized through chemical recycling        While  hoping for  a brighter  future,  chemical
             can be a problem; especially when under-           recycling remains an ambitious direction in ex-
             taking the recycling of contaminated plastic       ploration and innovation in the reduction of the
             waste streams. Dirty vessels food residue,         world’s pollution with plastics. But with the prop-
             inks, and other additives may get into the fi-     er investment in technology, infrastructure and
             nal chemical or fuel thus degrading the qual-      policies, chemical recycling can change the nar-
             ity of these products. Therefore, preliminary      rative with plastic waste from being the biggest
             sorting and washing of the collected plastic       environmental challenge to the world, to a pre-
             waste remain crucial tasks for achieving a         cursor of a new sustainable economy.
             high quality of output..                                                    Source – Plastics Technology

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