Page 72 - Plastics News Issue November - 2024
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sets could make these industries adopt the 4. Construction and Infrastructure: In the con-
closed-loop recycling system through which struction industry, many thermosets are
materials can be reused in the process of applied in applications such as coatings,
production. adhesives and insulations because of their
dimensional stability. But one of the greatest
2. Renewable Energy Sector: These structures problems of construction waste is its dispos-
use thermoset composites for their struc- al. In other words, through the use of recy-
tures and stability because of the problems clable thermosets, construction companies
of vortex shedding and thermal cycling seen could collectively not only decrease waste
in wind turbines and fluctuating tempera- but also limit the use of new raw materials in
tures that panels undergo. As the use of re- construction.
newables continues to evolve, attention has
shifted to how sustainability of renewable Conclusion: The Path Forward
energy industry can be improved. When
these wind turbine blades will have reached Creating recyclable thermoset plastics is a
their useful lifespan, having incorporated re- promising but quite complex process. The tech-
cyclable thermosets at their componentry, nical, economic and infrastructural challenges
the manufacturers will be able to minimize are great, but the gains in terms of environmen-
wastes. Policies framed under this could en- tal impacts hold the key. Discoveries in reversible
courage a cyclic process in the renewable thermosets, bio-derived resins and chemical re-
energy systems where the materials could cycling methods prove that it is possible to de-
be recycled. velop more sustainable thermosets materials in
the future. There are good indications that recy-
3. Electronics and Electrical Applications: The clable thermosets will continue to enjoy growth
circuit boards, insulators and casings are as the industrial world spends on research and
typically composed of products produced calls for sustainability.
from thermosetting plastics in consideration
of the fact that these types of plastics have This kind of thermoset plastics might not be a
better property in electrical insulation when dream of researchers and manufacturers and
compared to the thermoplastics. Waste policymakers: it will be possible to obtain plas-
electronics are today on the rise; therefore, tics with improved performance characteristics,
the manufacturers should consider looking at the same time contributing to creating a circu-
for recyclable material in the making of the lar economy, increasing recycling rates, and de-
electronics gadgets. Creating feasible re- creasing the amount of plastics and their nega-
cyclable thermosets for electronic compo- tive impact on the environment. This transition
nents might heavily decrease e-waste effect will need time, but strong continuous efforts, re-
and help to recover metals from electronic cyclable thermosets could help shift industrially
waste. relevant processes in a more environmentally
friendly way.
Source – Plastics Technology
72 PLASTICS NEWS November 2024