Page 69 - Plastics News Issue November - 2024
P. 69


          Recyclable Thermoset Plastics:

          Challenges and Opportunities

                                                                features are, what difficulties arise in their recy-
                                                                cling, and what further directions in the develop-
                                                                ment of recyclable materials may be expected.

                                                                Understanding Thermoset Plastics

                                                                Thermoset plastics are those plastics which are
                                                                cured  and set  at a  polymer which  undergoes
                                                                chemical  change  that  cannot  be  reversed  and
                                                                thus the developed shapes are fixed and resist-
                                                                ant to heat and wear. In the production process
                                                                of thermosets, cross-linking forms solid like net-
                                                                work structures which are hardened into a par-
                                                                ticular shape or formation. This curing that is nor-
                                                                mally accelerated by heat or a chemical reagent
                                                                fixes the polymer and the other molecules in a
                                                                rigid  manner.  Epoxy  polymers,  polyurethanes
                                                                and phenolic resins are common examples of
            n the world of plastics, two main types domi-
            nate: Polymer and plastics: Thermoplastics          thermoset  plastics which are extensively used
          Iand Thermosets are some of the polymers              across automotive, aviation, electronics and
          and plastics that are well understood. Since          construction sectors because of their superior
          thermoset plastics need heat and must be re-          strength, low density and high resistance to cor-
          mould they are more difficult to recycle than         rosion and high temperature.
          polyethylene and polypropylene, both ther-            This is because thermosetting plastics are non-
          moplastics.  Thermosets  are famous with  high        melt, and therefore they are quite suitable for
          strength, thermal stability and stiffness compar-     use in those places that require stability and
          ing with thermoplastics that can be recycled by       strength of a material. For example, automo-
          heat. Nevertheless, such properties of plastic        biles, electric generators, computers, and pro-
          make its recycling a problem because once plas-       tective covers apply thermosets in their manu-
          tic has set it cannot be easily remoulded. Since      facture. Their performance advantages are
          industries and organizations that focus on the        enumerative, but the weakness experienced
          environment have realized the issue with non-         with thermosets is that they are hard to recycle
          recyclable thermoset plastics, there is a steady      since they cannot be remelted once they have
          trend towards making usable recycled thermo-          been cured. This unfortunately decreases their
          set plastics. In this article, it is proposed to con-  reusability and contributes to the fast growing
          sider what thermosets are and what their main         problem of the disposal of plastics.

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