Page 20 - Plastics News October 2019
P. 20


          Report on Plastic Collection Drive

             he All India Plastic Manufacturers’ Association    environmental issues. He also discussed the strength
          T(AIPMA) supported the ‘Plastic Collection Drive’,    of the Plastic industry. He stressed on the importance
                                                                         of plastic as it has become a ubiquitous
                                                                         material. He addressed the problem of visible
                                                                         plastic pollution, which is the root cause. He
                                                                         emphasized that irresponsible attitude and the
                                                                         habit of littering is the problem.  Understanding
                                                                         the growing problem of plastic pollution,
                                                                         he added that the plastic industry should
                                                                         comply with environmental regulations in the
                                                                         best interest of environmental protection.
                                                                         He further appreciated the efforts of Keshav
          an initiative of Keshav Srushti My GreenSociety. This is   Srushti and expressed the willingness to encourage such
          an ambitious activity viz. Inspiration for segregation to   DFWLYLWLHV ÀQDQFLDOO\ DV ZHOO DV LQ RWKHU ZD\V
          LQVSLUH VFKRRO FKLOGUHQ RQ WKH EHQHÀWV RI SODVWLF FROOHFWLRQ   President of AIPMA- Mr. Jagat Killawala, encouraged the
          and segregation. In this activity, 200 schools will be   students to collect plastic waste not only from their
          approached and school students will be encouraged to   homes but also from the environment. He asserted that
          deposit their domestic plastic waste in the school. The   spreading awareness and educating school children assures
          drives will take place in various schools at Mumbai, Thane,   that it will go long way ahead, as they are the future of
          Mira- Bhayender, Nashik and Palghar areas.
                                                                our nation. He also made the audience understand the
          An inauguration session was held on 2nd October 2019   importance of plastic in our day to day life. He highlighted
          being the 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi at   that change in attitude is necessary and littering habits
          Smt. Surajba Vidyamandir, Jogeshwari (East), Mumbai.   should be stopped. He stated that plastic is wonder and
                                                                a lifesaving material and it should be used wisely.
          Mr. Arvind Mehta, Chairman - Governing Council, AIPMA
          was invited as a Chief Guest. AIPMA President - Mr. Jagat   Later, students of Smt. Surajba Vidyamandir explained the
          Killawala took time out to attend this event. Following   green activities which they are consistently doing in their
          dignitaries were also present, Mr. S.S. Gupta – Chairman,   school in best the interest of environmental protection
          Keshav Srushti, Shri. Jitendra C. Vakil – Trustee, Smt.   and conservation.
          Surajba Vidyamandir,  Mr. Vikram Patel - Trustee, Smt.   Mr. S.S. Gupta said environment protection and conservation
          Surajba Vidyamandir, Mr. Vinay Nathani - Hon’ble      is a collective responsibility of every individual. He also
          Secretary, Keshav Srushti and Dr. Asmita Hegde, - Project   appreciated the efforts of the students and encouraged
          Convenor, PRSOA Team. The school teachers, principal,   everyone to transit towards a zero-waste society, by
          students, representatives from AIPMA and Keshav Srushti   reusing and recycling almost every material in order to
          were also present for the event.
                                                                protect the environment.
          Mr. Vinay Nathani gave an introduction of Keshav Srushti   Students presented a compost packet, which was made
          and explained the various initiatives taken pertaining to   in their school itself to the dignitaries as a token of
          environment protection. He rightly stated that ‘Plastic is   appreciation.
          an opportunity as well as responsibility’.
                                                                Later, all were taken to the compost making area,
          Mr. Sushil enlightened on Keshav Srushti achievements and   where the students and the teachers demonstrated the
          upcoming initiatives. He stated that plastic is a wonder   compost making process. The students initiated the plastic
          material and emphasized on the importance of segregation   collection drive by depositing the plastic waste in the
          and plastic waste management. He rightly said that ‘My
                                                                bins. Further, they also elaborated on the green initiatives
          :DVWH LV 0\ 5HVSRQVLELOLW\·
                                                                undertaken by the school for environment protection.
          Mr. Arvind Mehta gave a brief introduction of AIPMA and   The event was concluded with a vote of thanks.
          informed that AIPMA is very active and alert towards

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