Page 21 - Plastics News October 2019
P. 21


          ‘National Convention on Plastic Recycling & Waste Management Technologies'19

          ¶7KH 1DWLRQDO &RQYHQWLRQ RQ 3ODVWLF 5HF\FOLQJ DQG :DVWH   Sr. GM (Business Development), Reliance Industries Ltd
          Management Technologies 2019’ was organized by The    received lot of appreciation. Also in the last session,
          All India Plastic Manufacturers Association (AIPMA) on   Mr. Anup Patel, MD, DollPlast Machinery Ltd., presented
          the 11th October, 2019 in New Delhi at the India Habitat   an innovative technology that could convert ‘Municipal
          Centre (IHC), Lodhi Road. The event was supported by   :DVWH  0L[HG  3ODVWLF  :DVWH  5HF\FOLQJ  WR  :RRG  0DNLQJ
          the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises &   Solution’ which was very interactive session.  The
          by the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers.         conference was a grand success with 250 participants
                                                                and attendees and it gave a platform for exhibition
          The Main Objective of the conference was:
                                                                space for many recyclers and showcasing the latest
          $V JOREDOO\ DERXW    RI DOO WKH SODVWLFV HYHU SURGXFHG   recycling technology.  The knowledge Partner for the
          has been recovered and recycled, AIPMA created this   event was 21st Century Polymer which aided in making
          platform to create awareness and discuss the huge     the event discover, “How new technologies are increasing
          scope of business opportunity in recovering and recycling   recycling rates and producing marketable products.”
          plastics. In India, the recycling of plastics has been going   The plastic industry is growing at rapid pace and
          on for a few decades now, most of this activity remains   polymer consumption in India will double from current
          in the informal sector. There is a huge scope of improving
          both quality and the capacity of recycling. Through this
          theme, the program aimed at building a circular economy
          consisting of individuals and groups that could integrate
          with each other, create a rich dialogue between the
          government and the industry, to enable a vibrant plastic
          recycling industry with the idea to cull out the hurdles
          and challenges.
          The conference featured many informative and inspiring   10 million metric tonnes to 20 million metric tonnes by
          lists of guest speakers, such as Shri. P. Raghvendra Rao,   2022. Therefore, the National Convention witnessed a
          Secretary, Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals,    major acceptance from people across environmental
          Dr. G.S. Kapur, Chief General Manager (Chemical       consultants, researchers & Innovators, municipalities,
          Technology)-R&D Centre, Indian Oil Corporation;       Pollution Control Boards, Brands and Scrap suppliers,
          Shri. Indrajit Pal, IAS, SUP Expert Committee Chairman,   Entrepreneurs in recycling and NGOs contributing in in
          Government of India, Mr. Prabhjot Singh Sodhi,        sustainability efforts.
          Head- Circular Economy, United Nation Development     ALPLA was the Gold Sponsor for The National Conclave.
          Program; Mr. Vimal Kedia, CMD, Manjushree Technopack   The conclave saw the presence of Karnataka Plastic
          Ltd & President, PET Packaging Association for Clean   Manufacturers Association and was supported in spirit
          Environment India Shri.  Yadhuvendra Mathur, Special   by Packaging Industry Association of India (PIAI), SME
          Secretary, NITI Aayog and Ms. Divya Tiwari, CEO, Saahas   Chamber of India, Indian Plastic Institute (IPI) and PET
          Foundation and Ms. Seema Athreya, Vice-President,     Packaging Association for Clean Environment (PACE).
          Bikaner Foods Pvt Ltd to name a few.The event consisted   Mr. Jayesh Rambhia, Former President, AIPMA was the
          of many interesting panel discussions and presentations   Master of Ceremony.  The Conclave began with the
          & Impact of new Regulations of SUP on the Plastics    $,30$   GXULQJ  ZKLFK  KH  VDLG  ´:H  ZLOO  EH  RUJDQL]LQJ
          Processing, Packaging and Recycling Industry’ in the   such events in other regions as well because it is a
          morning; followed by ‘Giving a 360 degree perspective –   very unique conclave, unveiling a galaxy of eminent
          on Sustainable Multi-layered Plastic Packaging Recyclate’   recycling projects happening across the nation.” He
          by Mr. N. Siva Shankaran, Head – Technical Organization,   HPSKDVL]HG RQ WKH VLJQLÀFDQFH RI WKH VXEMHFW IRU SODVWLF
          Vice- President Business Development, UFLEX Ltd. and   manufacturers and other relevant industry doyens. The
          in latter part of the day, ‘On PET recycling Current   National Convention concluded with Vote of Thanks by
          Practices and Future Expectations’ by Mr. Rajiv Kumar,   Mr. Deepak Ballani, Director-General, AIPMA.

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