Page 25 - Plastics News October 2019
P. 25


          Constantia Flexibles buys majority                     Clariant, Merck and SABIC to
          stake in Russia’s TT-print                             develop laser-marking technology

             ustrian packaging supplier Constantia Flexibles        lariant is set to develop laser-marking technology
          Ahas signed a deal to purchase a majority stake in     Cand materials in collaboration with pigment supplier
          5XVVLDQ SDFNDJLQJ ÀUP 77 SULQW  $QQRXQFHG LQ -DQXDU\    Merck and resin producer SABIC.The technology is
          the deal is part of the company’s strategy to strengthen   H[SHFWHG WR IDFLOLWDWH WKH UHF\FOLQJ SURFHVV IRU ÁH[LEOH
          its pharmaceutical division.  TT-print founder Ruslan   polyethene, including low-density polyethene (LDPE)
          Chuev said: “The reasons for TT-print’s growth the last   and linear low-density polyethene (LLDPE) packaging
          20 years has been the dedication and professionalism of   ÀOP  7KH NH\ SDUWQHUVKLS JRDO LV WR SURGXFH D FRPSOHWH

                                                                 VXSSO\ FKDLQ  VROXWLRQ  IRU  ODVHU PDUNLQJ  RI  ÀOPV $V
                                                                 part of the partnership, SABIC will provide its polymer
                                                                 WHFKQRORJ\ IRU SURSHUWLHV UHTXLUHG LQ WKH ÀOP SDFNDJLQJ
                                                                 and it will also supply its polymers. Merck will focus on
                                                                 providing laser-sensitive Iriotec pigments and marking
                                                                 expertise. Clariant will offer the additive masterbatch
                                                                 IRUPXODWLRQV IRU WKH ÀOP H[WUXVLRQ SURFHVV  &ODULDQW
                                                                 Additive Masterbatches Laser global product manager
                                                                 Chun-Yip Pang said: “There is growing demand for
                                                                 clean, high-quality recycled PE, and while recycling
          the local team, our carefully selected suppliers, as well   UDWHV IRU 3( ÀOPV FRQWLQXHV WR LQFUHDVH  WKHUH DUH VWLOO
          as our commitment to stay ahead of industry standards   a number of challenges that need to be overcome.
          and continually improve our technological solutions.   “This collaboration is focused on eliminating the
          “The acquisition is just a logical step towards an equally   printing ink used for tracking, shelf-life, bar codes
          successful future.” The company recently completed     and other variable information that must be placed
          the construction and validation of cleanroom facilities   on almost any package on the market. Less ink means
          through an initiative started by Ruslan Chuev to achieve   less contamination when it comes to recycling.” The
          FODVVLÀFDWLRQ ' RI WKH *RRG 0DQXIDFWXULQJ 3UDFWLFH  *03    company also noted that the marks produced during
          standard at the EU level. To achieve the standard, the   the process are permanent and resistant to water,
          company demonstrated key operational steps, including
          goods handling, slitting of raw materials and printing,
          using various packaging solutions for pharmaceutical
          products in a clean area.

          Constantia Flexibles pharmaceutical executive vice-
          president Pierre-Henri Bruchon said: “By implementing
          this concept for Constantia TT, we have become pioneers
          in the Russian market. “Together with the long-term
          experience in the field of flexible packaging, our
          dedication to clean and stable production conditions
          makes us the perfect partner to pharmaceutical producers   oil, grease or fatty foods and are suitable for mono-
          in Russia, as well as in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, who   OD\HU ÀOP RU D ODVHU WUDQVSDUHQW VXUIDFH OD\HU  ,Q -XO\
          aim to protect their life-saving products.” Constantia   Clariant’s Healthcare Packaging unit expanded its
          Flexibles offers a range of sustainable packaging solutions   Cuddalore facility in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu.
          to various international and local companies across the   The company also signed an agreement to sell its
          consumer goods and pharmaceutical industries.  The     Healthcare Packaging business to an Arsenal Capital
          company currently operates two production facilities in   3DUWQHUV DIÀOLDWH IRU &+)   P         P  GXULQJ WKH
          Russia, including Constantia TT and Constantia Kuban.  same month.

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